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"As Above, So Below" Bigfoot & Werewolves

I'm having a conversation in my new Cryptid group (I joined this month) about my land and my Bible ideas. Here is what has been added by the guy who founded our group this month and myself. He saw a Werewolf in New Orleans in 1981 and when I heard him tell his story I believed him. His name is Roy Stubblefield. This is a cut and paste of what we've just said to each other in the comments below my post on Jerry Williams, whom I consider to be the most informed and experienced tracker of Bigfoot and Werewolves there is and who just tracked my Ozarks farm and said they are definitely there. Roy and me:


Roy Stubblefield

Admin 8232022

Angel Isaacs Thank you so much for sharing this with the group. I remember when we first spoke and how much I appreciated you for your support against the people who called my encounter BS for whatever reasons they had. This was very well written and the pics you've shared and the conversations we've had behind the scenes have been filled with so much information but also new ways to look at Cryptids and the mystery of God. Thank you for being my friend and know that I value that friendship in the highest regard. Please keep us updated on what the tracker finds and when you're ready let us know about the other 'things' that exist on your property. I think it will leave the members awestruck, as I was when you told me about them and their connection to Cryptids. (Roy is referring to my saying that Jerry teaches that wherever a Bigfoot or Werewolf is found, there are also giant spiders, and my comment about how the elite have designed the World Wide Web, internet, to be in the shape of the legend of Grandmother Spider, during Creation.)

Angel Isaacs


Thank you Roy, you are a source of blessing and truth to me and a very valuable friend and ally. Yes I study the spiritual realm on the level of a Levite priest if that makes a bit of sense to anyone. These creatures are flesh and blood and spiritual realm combined. Studying them is opening up very deep ideas I’m studying. There is a possibility that what we choose in the physical everyday world changes our DNA, I know from experience it changes our spirit. So far I have discovered the physical world is a mirror image of the spiritual world. Jesus told his followers to seek the kingdom of Heaven first and the earthly realm would be added. What that means is that a lifelong dedicated study, like I’ve done, of not just any spiritual ideas but specifically Hebrew originally conceived ideas about YHWH which we have in the Torah and entire Bible, and which I spent a decade, 15,000 hours retranslating, lead to mastery of “Heaven.” The Promised Land is “Heaven.” The Hebrew journey was to the Promised Land, Heaven. Jesus was a Hebrew High Priest, King, and Prophet of Torah/Heaven. He told his followers to seek the heavens first. I did. Once that is done it is possible our physical DNA changes. I know our spirits and thinking changes (step by step; decision by decision; I documented this day by day in my book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir" from 1985-2009) and the spiritual/earthly realms are mirror images. The earthly elite's satanic mantra is, "As above so below." I agree that is the truth, that the earth and the heavens are mirror images. The part we have lost is that righteousness, holiness, becoming like Jesus, causes the mantra meaning to flip over, like a mirror image. The heavens and the earth's powers are mirror images, "As above so below." However, heaven is ABOVE earth, superior to earth's powers and principalities, which is our war. "As above so below," their mantra, is perfectly true. But they have banked on our never figuring out that we are supposed to obey God's laws. We ARE supposed to judge and constantly judge with righteousness. When we do, when we put on the power Jesus wanted us to have, being in his image, being like him, obeying our Father, obeying his laws, when this same mantra is conceived through Hebrew knowledge, true Jesus knowledge and obedience, then it flips us onto the top. This is where we win and cast the elites back into the pit of the earthly hell they've created for their own power. They don't want us to EVER figure that out. Hence, all the trillions times trillions of money spent on disinformation begun when we are born and reinforced all our lives through our education and the false reality they've spun (like in the legend of Grandmother Spider) for centuries, putting into place for their sole reason of their having and maintaining their satanic power, which gives them their money. We were planned by Jesus to be the masters of the heavenly realm. This has been stolen from us even through today's version of the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism, all under the elite's influence for centuries. The Holy Spirit, however, meaning the spirit of holiness that comes to dwell inside us when we get it right, changes everything. Our powers and principalities and understanding of how God's Word works, his design, is as superior to, as "above" the satanic powers and principalities, as heaven is above earth. We are not a spinning ball. We are a stable, designed system, and heaven is above earth. For example, I know that I can now understand many earthly science ideas because I sought and mastered the kingdom of Heaven first like he told us to do. So I think God led me to my Ozarks land because these Cryptids were there. I think he led me to you, to Ashley, to Jerry and Ella. Why? Because when I learn more about these Cryptids it matches like a mirror image my Hebrew concepts I know like the back of my hand. So that’s my foundation and what I’m doing. I think black magick can cause a human, through a series of more and more evil steps, to turn into these creatures (study the legends of Skinwalkers) because they are mirror images of heavenly concepts. Cannibalism, sacrifice, sacrifice of close family, especially of the innocent, and innocent young, all of these lead step by step to a Dogman/Werewolf, Bigfoot murderous, ravenously evil, state of spirit. I know this as a fact, through the mirror image Hebrew understanding I have. Our good concepts mirror their evil concepts so we can learn and grasp what they, the satanic elite, are doing while having the spirit of Christ ourselves. This is WHY God the Father, YHWH, designed his Word, in Creation, AS a mirror image. I suspect that once the ravenous, murderous, Cryptid satanic SPIRIT has been put into place, through step by step choices that rebel against and defy God's laws, Torah/Jesus' real teachings, that THEN the actual earthly physical being is manifested in the flesh. AND that it can breed. Working on it.

Roy Stubblefield


Angel Isaacs what is a Levite priest?

Jews. There are 12 Hebrew tribes. They all serve different functions. The function of the Levite (tribe of Levi) was similar to our preachers or priests. They dedicated their entire lives and being solely to serving God the Father, Jehovah, Yahweh (I call God YHWH because the original Hebrew Bible scriptures did not use vowels). I am a Christian woman who studied The Bible to the depth of a Jewish priest. I consider myself to be a hybrid. I was a Christian from birth, finished a Master of Arts in Religion, finished a Master of Divinity, then studied the original languages of the Bible (Hebrew & Greek) for a decade, 15,000. hours, retranslating it into English. It is my opinion we are not grasping the original ideas of the Bible or what Jesus was telling us. I am studying Cryptids right now through that lens.


On another thread Roy asked me about my tree on my Ozarks farm and who was standing in front of it (just taken a few days ago). It is Jerry Williams, the Bigfoot Expert's co-tracker, Ella.)


Roy Stubblefield

Admin 8232022

Now who might that be ?

Angel Isaacs


Roy Stubblefield Her name is Ella, Tracker-E. She tracks with Jerry, trained by him. She tracked my Ozarks farm with Jerry. They found this obviously Bigfoot bent tree on a part of my land I hadn’t explored. I was too afraid to go back on my land as far as they went. I suspected BF was there. He/they are.

Roy Stubblefield


Angel Isaacs Be careful and be safe

Angel Isaacs


Roy Stubblefield I sat at home and watched “Prey” on Hulu while these guys took photos of my own land I’d never seen. Lol I am!

Roy Stubblefield


Angel Isaacs good movie

Angel Isaacs

Author 8242022

I thought it was an excellent movie, I was so excited to find it and be watching it. It seemed like a soft disclosure, the being was translucent, like Jerry says they are when they use their camouflage, it was a predator, like he says. Then it turned into a disinformation production about aliens. I think these translucent beings are part of God's creation for a very specific purpose, which is what I just described above and which I am focused on studying. I think our physical DNA changes when we sin and when we in a mirror image don't sin, obey God's laws in the Bible and likewise in his Creation. By the focus on these things being technological aliens it shifts the narrative back away from nature and our earthly realm and causes to the big wide universe. Baloney. We are in an enclosed small system with a dome on top that these Nasa scientists have never breached and have spent trillions on to misinform us about. The movie industry has helped them. How much was spent on Star Trek and Star Wars alone? The purpose? Well we can't have anyone believing in YHWH, God the Father, now, can we? That would be a disaster. We can't have anyone believing that sin has consequences as does holiness, now can we? That would be disaster. It was one of the best movies I've ever seen, that partially disclosed the nature of Bigfoot and Dogman then misdirected the audience for a very specific reason, what I just said. I immediately began studying who wrote this and tracking the disinformation through who produced it.

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