I’m in a private group on Facebook and noticed a post I felt compelled to answer. It said: “My eyes are wide open and the evil is far greater than I could even fathom. How do we combat their plans and live a fearless life? How do we know everything will be ok? Help!”
I answered: “I spent 15,000+ hours retranslating the King James Bible. Our English paradigm is incorrect. What it actually says is that Heaven (the Spiritual realm) rules over Earth (the Physical Realm). Ummm like the shape/design of Flat Earth. The dome/firmament is in our spiritual comprehension. Those who follow Jesus, put God the Father YHWH first as their foundation, choose to walk a path of service to others. Those who do not do this choose to walk the path of self. The two (Heaven/Earth) are mated. The physical Earth path is designed to lead those who walk it (left eye) to the mere beginning of the spiritual Heaven path (right eye). Everything they have invested their lives in obtaining, their riches, power, causes their thinking to be lower than the elite followers of Jesus’ example and teachings. Mirror images. It takes 3 days (cycles of time) for those who complete the spiritual Heaven path to wind up at the top of the Earth path. It takes decades vice-versa. It is based on gradually perfecting the virtues, the essence of the 10 Commandments. Holiness. Righteousness. That opens the insight (think chakras perfected). When that point of righteousness is perfected, internalized inside our very being, then the insight of the holy ones is able to grasp the metaphysical symbolism of each and every physical object. It’s a science blueprint. Untold riches lie here, unimagined power and abilities. That’s how we beat the earth elite. God designed the pattern like electromagnetism. Think Tesla. You’re welcome. Thank YOU for your service to others. Just finish the path. You are very close. xo“
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written January 17, 2025 at 10:50 pm