Today’s interest… I finished my WW2 book I was reading about the Holy Relics that the N.zs were collecting. I was reading the Old Testament book of Ruth at the same time. Since Ruth only had 4 Chapters I went ahead and started showing you how I retranslate as I did so. It became very interesting. My 370+ short-stories are on my website for you to read along with my books & videos. It began to fit together with the Holy Objects in the WW2 book. Ruth was actually describing the exact same thing.
When I finished Ruth I thought, “Which Bible book should I start now?” I’ve studied and retranslated all of them. It always supernaturally fits my life at that moment. I thought, “What book comes next… 1 Samuel.” Then I automatically thought, “That book is TOO LONG,” and checked how many chapters it had. Too many, ugh. “Do it anyway,” I thought. So I started it.
The first thing I always do is figure out what it’s going to be talking about. You do this by really grasping the very first, opening bits. Places, people’s names, early information most attribute to history are the key. These are more than stories. These books are supernatural. So it took me about an hour to figure out 1 Samuel was going to be talking about just that, the Supernatural. It said, the way I translate, which is correct, that it was going to be talking about superior heights of insight. “Well, that’s cool,” I told myself, now more eager to immerse myself in such a lengthy book.
I finished the WW2 book about the Holy Relics, all million pages, well 4-500, yesterday. These relics, like the Holy Roman Crown Jewels, were being described in Ruth. Their essence, like always, was also being experienced by me as I read and retranslated the holy words of Ruth. So by the time I finished both books I knew exactly what each relic was and what each physical object symbolized spiritually.
Since I promised myself to finish one of my now 400 books before beginning another, I started thinking, as I closed in on the final 50 pages, which book I wanted to read next. There are two on the top of the bookcase by my door that I’ve been walking by and noticing, that had resparked my interest. These 2 were called, “Where the Footprints End: High Strangness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon” Volumes 1 & 2. So I picked up Volume 1 and made a cup of coffee, to start.
“Well, isn’t this interesting,” I thought. I had settled on I Samuel & figured out it was going to tell me about superior insight, supernatural insight. Then, once again, just like Ruth & the WW2 Holy Relics book I had happened to read simultaneously, these 2 new choices were on the same subject, as well. That subject was a continuation of the ideas in Ruth, and the Holy Relics, both. I had figured out the Holy Relics symbolized spiritual concepts. This was a continuation. Cool.
This Bigfoot book is going to give me 300 pages worth of accounts deemed “too spooky” for normal Cryptozoology. In other words, these are the stories most Bigfoot researchers, themselves, are too afraid to include. It’s funny but even in the world of Bigfoot there is a dividing line drawn between purely physical and supernatural. A lot of researchers disregard any talk or accounts of the supernatural. Well, that is right up my alley because I know where the supernatural is coming from. I told you where in my short-stories about Ruth. I said Ruth represented Step One - Red - on the steps of colors in the rainbow. I told you I was writing my stories from Violet and beyond. Perfect Match. Supernatural. Again. Here we go…
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written November 20, 2024 at 10:19 am