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Chatting with Gigi

I just had an hour long talk with my girlfriend, Gigi. What fun! I haven't talked with her since before the cruise. You know those kinds of friends you can have for months and years, check in on, and take up right where you left off? That's Gigi and me since we met at our condo homes at "The Island on Lake Travis," in 2012. Our real estate agent lady brought Gigi to a Singer-Songwriter night I was hosting at the time in the restaurant there at the Island and introduced us. I was singing my original Contemporary Christian Music songs I've written and my boyfriend at that time was singing Tom Petty and Classic Rock and Beatles. You get the feel. Gigi and I hit it off immediately, God talk, and have been going strong ever since. It is because of Gigi that I met Mark. All the stories are on my website, I write my life as it happens. So you can actually go back to the beginning of my first book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir," and find my life stories IN ORDER until 2009 and some of them are on my website for free. My 2009 stories until now are also there, most of them. So just go back in time and there will be the Gigi, Mark, and Angel stories that follow the Gabriel stories, intertwined with the Andy stories, then the Bigfoot stories, until today. I'll post one of them so you can see Gigi and me in action. Such fun!

Gigi to Angel, today: "I'm on John 17 right now, you know I love the Old Testament..."

Angel: "I just finished the last chapter of Leviticus again this morning, do you mean John as in "Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John," THAT John? (The New Testament has I, II, and III John as well.)

Gigi: "Yes, THAT John. I keep my Bibles and concordances in the trunk of my SUV. Sometimes when I'm talking to someone I go dig them out. It surprises people. I did that with so-and-so the other day."

Angel: "Ok, I'll go retranslate John 17 when we hang up and see what it says. You know I just wrote a story yesterday about Mark. I just sent it to you, I figured that's why you called, because you saw it."

Gigi looks at her phone and sees my message and story: "No, I hadn't seen it yet."

Angel: "Oh, so then you just FELT me (in the spirit the way we can do and Mark does it too) and called because I was thinking about you."

Gigi: "Yes. How was the cruise?"

Angel: "You know I hate people. So the ROOM on the cruise was WONDERFUL. I have about 700 pictures of my ROOM looking out the balcony at Miami, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, the ocean. I bought a really fancy room and I LOVED it! I saw the ship and went to the Dreamer's events too, but mostly stayed in my room. Mark would bring me pizza. HE is now the center of that world because EVERYONE wanted to meet Mark. (Mark's a people person and the cruise was my idea of how to get Mark into a situation with good Christian film industry people to network, which is exactly what he did.)

Gigi: "I'm back in Texas, hey, aren't you north of Austin? We should meet in the middle next week."

Angel: "That sounds good. I'm ITCHING to go to my Ozarks farm right now. You know, I've had it for over 5 years now and I've never once spent the night there OR walked further in than the first 100 feet. I REALLY want to get back to what I had planned to use it for. I wanted to have it for vacations. Then I ran into Bigfoot and had to spend the next 5 years figuring out if they exist and if they were going to eat me or not. I haven't gotten to USE my cabin yet. I don't even have a key to it. I paid an Ozarks lady to clear around my cabin for a couple of years and she was a really good worker, I bought her a chainsaw and a weedeater, the kind with a blade for shrubs. (She got sick and quit, and I never could get her to mail my key to me.) My tools are all supposedly in my blue cabin shed but I don't really know. I designed a super good LOCKING system for my cabin (to protect me from Bigfoot) and she built it for me. I NEED to go up there and cut the lock off and put on a lock I have the key to. I bought a $200. really GOOD lock. I need to go check on it. Copperheads are out everywhere. They're eating all the locusts.

Gigi: "You should take Mark up there with you."

Angel: "I'd really rather take YOU than Mark (Different friends of mine have different likes and talents; Gigi is a stunt woman and has her own farm.) I asked Gabriel. I REALLY need to take ANDY - HE is BIG and STRONG and has guns and is at home in the country. But Andy's off doing his own things. I've asked him before. I need to take someone like Andy who knows about Bigfoot. I'll probably just take GOD and go by myself. If I decide to go. But, yes, we can meet next week near Austin. I'd like that. If I'm not in Arkansas. You know I have that land south of Orlando, too. I've never even SEEN that land. But it's all paid for now. I was afraid I needed a 4x4 to even get TO THAT land. I had the same idea for it, a vacation place, but near Orlando (I LOVE Typhoon Lagoon waterpark). We could go THERE sometime.

Gigi and I go back to chatting about God and our ideas about what different scriptures are actually saying. I just love having her as my girlfriend. She really GETS me. We're on the same wavelength.

Thanks, God!

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written May 19, 2024 at 12 noon


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