We are going into the New Age. Our thinking changes. Our resources become abundant again. We have new tools, new thoughts. It is actually exactly as before, the path, but now it is on a higher level. The Octaves change like music. God has it set up this way eternally. I traced this path from Genesis to Revelation. It's all there.
Here is my response to thoughts my new friend, Tia, whom I just met in my Truther group, had written to me during the night. What I am actually doing is the next Octave of Christianity meaning our following our Father God YHWH Yahweh. It is a deeper understanding of what Jesus was teaching us. He dwelled in the Kingdom of Heaven. What I am describing is how the Kingdom of Heaven works. We have the Kingdom of Earth (physical primary focus/science/self) vs. Kingdom of Heaven (spiritual primary focus/Bible/others). I have spent my life studying the Bible. This is all in there, underneath the English, in primarily ancient Hebrew, the way God showed me to read it. Read my response. It sounds New Age but they are walking the Earth path. Mine is the same we’ve always had but up an Octave. Ours is the Heaven path. They leave God out. We put God in. Like negative/positive. Like Tesla’s Electromagnetism. Like the Analemma pattern our Sun movement makes in a year. It makes a figure 8. Eternity. Read the screenshots below. Start moving into the new Octave. I designed my books, songs, writings, poems, videos to help you.
I was just now looking for a photo of an Analemma to put with this story. A definition based on the earth being a globe popped up. I read it. I thought, "No, it's NOT, the earth is flat with a heavenly dome on top." See what I mean. Both sides look at the other from their vantage place on the path of the figure 8 and say, "NOT!"
Then it occurred to me why the figure 8 of the Analemma is distorted. The top of the 8 has a shorter circle. OHhhhhhh! Because if you follow Jesus' instructions to us and "Seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven FIRST" (seek the Spiritual/God our Father/caring for others first before you focus on seeking the science of physical Earth and focusing on your self) then the path to the finish line (Passover/where the lines pass over in the 8) is easier and shorter. I know because I've already done it. I've now "passed over" and I've changed my primary focus to myself and to figuring out how true Science literally matches, is full of symbolism, the Spiritual realm. It takes the Earth/Physical MUCH LONGER to change Octaves. Thank you, Father. Our Father has many gifts waiting for those who love him and seek to serve and obey his instructions to us. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, YHWH, our Father, God, Yahweh, Jehovah.
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written February 1, 2025 at 10:05 am

This is my answer to some of my new friend, Tia's, comments.