Angel (text to Mark & Gigi): "I watched the whole hour of Mark’s interview last night. Excellent job! Hope the Nashville Workshop goes great. As for me I’m 3 hrs from Dallas, in a motel. Be home today. I know this sounds strange but I’ve been noticing my legs feel better. I think my Wildmen (Bigfoot name wrong, they are advanced humans who serve Jesus, with clean pineal glands and no toxins, plenty exercise, family tribes) who have what I am calling Christ consciousness (the real spirit of holiness Jesus had) saw me having a hard time physically at my cabin, confirmed I was supportive of them, not a threat, loved God (through my aura/mind/actions & my talks with neighbor there) and sent me a message through God. I had forbidden them to speak telepathically with me, said they had to tell God and he’d tell me if he wanted me to know. I think that happened. A guy in Washington has them on his property and says they can heal. My legs, especially knees, simply feel better right now. I may not be healed but I think they sent me a message through God, like I said, and made me feel better, enough that I’ve been praying, “Thanks God, tell them I said, “Thank you!” Mark said he didn’t know what I’m doing (going to Angel Creek instead of Nashville). Mark, you are bringing the cream of the crop Christian Dreamers. Gigi is bringing the cream of the crop Christian media (her latest private news). I’m figuring out what has limited Christianity and how our understanding of God and Jesus needs to advance correctly into Christ consciousness, like Jesus was telling us all along. That’s the battle plan. Go get em guys. xoxoxo Angel"
PS for my friends who think Bigfoot is a Predator, they are. You are correct. But the ones on my land are the mirror image ones patterned after Christ holiness, extremely rare. There are opposite ones patterned after anti-Christ unholiness and you’ve been dealing with those. Heaven/Earth. Yin/Yang. Positive/Negative Electromagnetism pattern/design of God’s Word that has always existed in our true, original scriptures Bible. xo Angel
Decided halfway through to turn this into a story. Go get em guys! God be with you!
PSS Jerry disagrees with me. He said for me to go read, "Worlds in Collision."
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written June 22, 2024 at 10:19 am

His lovely tracker lady also disagreed: