My note on FB Messenger to someone who knows me well, Oct 5, 2024 at 4:27 pm. Hurricane Helene just happened. People are beginning to realize there is a long list of patents regarding weather manipulation. They are seeing behind the curtain of how the situation is being handled for profit and for politics. It allows those responsible to profess innocence, which I've found is one of the reasons why they are putting out articles about how naturally this occurred - AI is now in existence and learns from the internet. Therefore another layer of deceit is necessary for control of future AI conclusions. But hopefully it learns. Here's an article for it, and for those who are beginning to see. I wrote:
"Just figured this part out. Think about this. We were driving back from Texas, probably Oklahoma too, where Granddad lived, to Tennessee and stopped at Aunt Jamie's in Lafayette, Louisiana just before Hurricane Camille hit. Dad made the decision to change our route home and headed north from Jamie's. I was 12. It is the trip where Jamie gave me my book, my slightly older cousin, Donnie's, "Freckles" by Gene Stratton Porter. She opened Donnie's big closet, full of books, in his room, and let me pick one of his books to keep, for the trip. It had the "Swamp Angel" in it - a beautiful, good, sweet, young girl with blue eyes and long blonde hair, like mine, "Angel," in it. That's where I got my pen name. It also means "messenger of God's Word." I studied Mass Communication at Abilene Christian for that reason. But it was THAT trip. That's why I remember it.
Now, look at what happens when you ask Google about the politics of the time. Conclusion: They've been doing this for at least fifty years to make the changes they have in mind and manipulate our system and people."
Hurricane Camille: August 17th, 1969
What were the political effects of Hurricane Camille?
Camille disrupted the status quo of congressional logrolling, and helped shift power not only from the states to the federal government, but from Congress to the executive branch and disaster administrators.
I also just figured out there are extensive plans to make Tampa a 15 minute city. They are going to destroy it so they can rebuild their goal. However, they are also trying to confuse everyone. It makes those who can see their techniques look foolish.Here’s the 15 minute city plan:
Also here:
You can put your city in this and it will tell you if your area meets the criteria as a 15 minute city.
A friend asked me to explain 15 minute cities. So here:
The UN has a plan for the entire world’s future under their own leadership. They are putting technology in place that will help them monitor the population at all times. They are making our money digital so they can use it as a way to monitor and control everyone. They are changing transportation from the independence we’ve enjoyed with our gas vehicles to electric vehicles they can turn off at any time, control and track. They do not want us in nature. My Bigfoot stories tie in there because I figured out they have modified creatures and turned them lose in the forests (besides natural ones they hide from us) to keep people scared of nature. The creatures are chipped so they can monitor and control them. Instead of the landscape of the US being as it currently is they are making vast wilderness areas with a very reduced population all gathered into a few 15 minute cities. That’s why we have the tiny house movement to get people used to small places to live, not the big houses we have now. The 15 minute cities will have everything anyone could possibly want within a 15 minute walking distance. That allows their smart houses and internet of things to monitor and control everyone. It creates a virtual prison. NC was hit so they could take the land they wanted that has pure quartz needed for electronics, chips. People know this because they look for patents, read the UN information, find the contracts that are already in place and watch the legislation that springs up quickly in the aftermath of any pre-planned disaster. They use sound frequency and thousands of towers across the US combined with the metals in the chemtrails to create and then steer the hurricanes. They can do this with volcanos and earthquakes as well. Tampa already has contracts in place for it to become a 15 minute city. So does Miami, and just check that link and it will show you the cities they have plans for. So they destroy an area so they can build it back under their control and design. Any state that doesn’t go along with their goals gets disciplined with weather. My Hurricane Camille article shows this has been happening at least since the 1960s. You just look at the legislation that occured shortly after. They keep the population confused by putting out different conflicting narratives. Or they will set narratives up to look foolish. It can be traced back to methods being used in WWII. So my best guess is they will destroy Tampa and aim at all of Florida because Florida is highly desired property plus won’t fall obediately into line with their goals. If they don’t, if it falls flat and nothing happens, they use it to mock the people who’ve figured out too much. Then they’ll strike again after that. They also tie everything they do to making money.
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written October 5, 2024 at 4:41

This man explains how it is done: