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“Let there be Light”

Today’s interest…

After devoting decades to Jesus and God, after following Jesus through sacrificing everything I owned and loved, after two Master’s in Theology, after 15,000 hours retranslating the Holy Bible one letter at a time, twice, from Genesis to Revelation, after building the Tabernacle, then the Holy Temple inside my mind, heart, and spirit, after developing all the tribes of Israel and all the locations of the Promised Land inside my mind, heart, and spirit, after walking through loving my enemy and creating God’s YinYang inside my life, after figuring out the spiritual realm is Heaven and the physical realm is Earth and that they mirror each other perfectly, thereby science can be grasped through holiness, after buying 400 books to study and grasp this even more precisely, after reading about 50 of those books, so far, after being able to see how God’s Word both spiritually and physically, Bible/Nature, is the Grand Unification Theory my genius late husband described to me as being one of his goals to grasp, after taking that dream of his on my own shoulders to finish for him, I see it. This book I opened today, to study, will probably be the most important book out of my 400 books I’m studying. My prayer when I begin a book is always, “Dear Father, please show me what you want me to know and block what is incorrect from my mind.” As I study I compare to modern Christianity teachings. I compare to my deep knowledge of the Holy Bible. I compare to the path I’ve walked with God and what he has already taught me. I compare the English scriptures to the ancient Biblical Hebrew and Greek scriptures. I pull out the true essence of the scriptures. I follow that, always, first.

This is Genesis 1. “In the Beginning” is not the true translation. Genesis was written by and to Israel. It was written by God in his Holy Design of his Word. It was written by the High Priests, Prophets, and Kings of Israel. As I walked this path I became Israel. I became a High Priest, Prophet, and King. That is Genesis. The creation. I can read it. “In the beginning” should actually be translated as “Dwelling in the head place (of Israel).” That is the subject, Israel, and God’s Word, his Grand Unification Theory - his design - how all things work together as one. The “One” concept you hear today is just a weak, earthly, physical, one-sided, mirror of what I’m describing. Genesis 1 is talking about when Israel masters the spiritual realm, Heaven, and mates with the physical realm, Earth. Two eyes. As above, so below but with righteousness over it all, Heaven.

So this book will be very, very close to correct but it will not be correct entirely. Jesus said the 1st Law was to put God our Father, Yahweh, YHWH, first in our mind,

heart, and spirit. I don’t see that being taught in this book or in any of the New Age “We are One” philosophies. Therefore they are flawed. They are critically flawed. I hope to be able to take the insight I glean from today’s book, combine it with my life and walk so far, combine it with insight from all 400 of the books I’ve hand-picked just to let me grasp the Grand Unification Theory - God’s Word - and advance modern Christianity. I will do so by taking it back to it’s true original meaning. That was the denomination of Christianity I was born into, raised in, and trained by: the one that sought to follow the original and thereby unite all the branches. Bless them. They were correct. “Let there be Light.”

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written December 1, 2024 at 12:18 pm

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