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Mark, David, Stunts, Jesus & da Vinci

(Angel's post on Facebook, I use Facebook when I'm creating my stories, a lot:)

"I just asked Mark if he did other stunts in this clip because I think I recognize him. He jumps from the helicopter to the bus 100%. But I think he’s the one jumping off the train track, falling through the skylight, rappelling off the side of the building, running across the car tops and jumping to the helicopter, hanging on the side of the bus, jumping off the roof of the car with the explosion behind him, laying on his side in the garage shooting the bad guys, getting shot, shooting the bad guys, (I think the martial arts scenes are David), flying through the air while shooting, falling onto the dolly while shooting, flying through the air with his gun during the explosion, the fight on the landing gear of the helicopter in the air, running across the car tops with the explosion behind him, with the cars flying in the air behind him, etc., too. So I asked him. So cool! PS I was right. He wrote back that most of David Bradley’s stunts are him. Thought so! Amazingly awesome.

Ok he just wrote back again about this clip and said “most of them.” Yep. After knowing Mark for almost 7 years now, writing his stories, taking my granddaughter, Laileigh, to his workshops, going to "Dinner with Dreamers" events, a million phone calls and texts ("Mark, it is 6 am - QUIT waking me up!!!"), I know him. I wrote all that after watching this video very slowly, pausing it. I was right. Just watch...

I also went to You Tube and searched for "David Bradley." Oh. Wow. Saying Mark did a lot of David Bradley's stunts is similar to saying Mark did a lot of Sylvester Stallone's stunts. Oh wait, he did. Mark was Sylvester Stallone's stunt double for 25 years. Of course Stallone did a lot of his own work. Of course David did a lot of his own work, he's a top martial artist, one of the best in the world, a top actor. HERE You can't touch that, the movies show him in action. But it was Mark when the awe-inspiring, dangerous, no-cgi-back then, stunts needed to be captured on film to take the audience's breath away and help launch their movies into hyperspace. Mark. Watch his stunt reels. HERE and HERE Google his name, read 180 plus titles that will punch your brain one at a time as you realize just how big the movies he did his stunts in WERE. Just how incredible Mark is. HERE Read my stories about him.

He's also a man of God. Mark wouldn't stop talking about Jesus on the Hollywood sets, sometimes at the risk of his job. You can't shut him up. Just like you can't easily find someone who can fall down the cliff on Cliffhanger or jump out of the helicopter at night into a city with thugs (he falls like 1000 feet on a bungee cord in the dark) in Daybreak, or balance on the landing gear of a helicopter as you prepare to jump to the roof of a bus speeding down a city highway (that video above). You can't stop Mark. Mark won't shut up about Jesus. If you are around Mark you figure that out really, really quickly. It's his nature. It's his breath, his mind, his being. Jesus. Church. God.

Angel: "I like your sandals, Mark. Where did you get them?"

Mark: "I got them when I was in Israel. In Jerusalem."

Here's a YouTube interview I found when I searched for David Bradley. It's by one of the famous Directors of one of David's martial arts movies, there's a bunch...

Interviewer: "Where's David Bradley now? He seems to have gone "off the grid" a few years ago."

Director: "I don't know. You're right. I think he changed directions. Here's one of the last pictures I saw of him..." The interview cuts to shots of David Bradley in Israel, in Jerusalem. He says he's studying Hebrew. I went to his Facebook page. I read it all, it's pretty short and pretty long ago. He hasn't updated it in a few years. But I found a picture David had posted of da Vinci's Man and a comment he made that indicated to me that he "knew." Knew what? The same thing all my short-stories are about. That there is a spiritual realm, "The Kingdom of Heaven." Jesus was telling us about it.

Google search quote: "Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is a combination of geometry, art, anatomy, and humanism that represents the human body as a microcosm of the universe." I didn't like that word "humanism" at all. So I looked IT up. Humanism: "man at the center of heaven and earth." Well, that part's right. Just looking through all the articles that came up during my search though, that's about all Google's search results got right.

What I tell you about in MY short-stories is that Jesus instructed us to seek the Kingdom of Heaven FIRST. "Matthew 6:33 King James Bible But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

I say that if you focus on developing your spirit by following Jesus's teachings (which includes long term, really long term, study of the Bible, in its original paradigm and meaning) that there comes a point where you have Mastered the principles inside yourself. I say that once this has occured our original Bible, the way I read it, after 15,000 hours of retranslating, tells us that you go DOWN from HEAVEN to EARTH and you find that all the principles you learned in the spiritual realm match physical objects. A physical tree is symbolic of a spiritual tree, etc., the entire universe. We have a universe inside us. Jesus knew. Da Vinci knew, he displays it in his artwork using sacred geometry. You just have to ignore all those purposefully misguiding narratives and listen to God. God will tell you the truth. You just have to ask, and really, really want to know. I write about this.

Once you master VIRTUE - RIGHTEOUSNESS - Our Father, God's, YHWH's, Yahweh's LAWS, which begin in the Torah - Israel - Jerusalem - HEBREW - then you find out you have a parallel universe inside yourself, in your spirit, your mind, how you think, how you are, your BEING, your TEMPLE that, MATCHES the physical universe. How do I know? I know because I retranslated the Holy Bible, King James version, twice, and because I did what it said for over 6 decades. That's what it is. I promise. People haven't documented it because it is in the shape of a spiral and you can't see it unless you are walking it, doing it.

Google search: "What is Fibonacci most famous for? By 1200, he settled down in Pisa, Italy, and wrote some of his most important works, including Liber abaci, where he expounded upon his knowledge of algebra and arithmetic. He is perhaps most famous for the Fibonacci sequence, a number sequence where each number is the sum of the preceding two." It's a PATH. Walking the PATH allows you to see how it works. Follow Jesus' PATH. Jesus incorporated the Torah, the laws, the 10 Commandments into himself and his life, his PATH, until he had the spiritual essence of every law existing inside the Temple inside him. That is what he was trying to show us. He had the symbolical tribes of Israel and the Promised Land with all its topography inside him, the essence. It is false religion and false theology, (if they don't follow this idea), that gave us our current misunderstanding. You can fix it by doing it. See for yourself. I've written since 1985 documenting this path as I walked it. Read. Follow Jesus.

That's pretty much the same concept as the Humanism concept (only the part I quoted: "...represents the human body as a microcosm of the universe") except most of their humanist ideas are probably wrong and most of those Google search articles probably are too. You have to do what I did. I walked and documented the path. You have to do what Mark did - focus on Jesus. Buy your sandals in Israel, in Jerusalem. Then WALK the WALK. You have to do what David Bradley did. Find Israel, study Hebrew, figure out it matches da Vinci's Man. You can figure it out once you ARE da Vinci's man. Heaven meets Earth in MAN. This is God's Design of God's Bible, of God's Word in nature, of God's physical and spiritual universe. Heaven is over Earth. Follow Jesus. Understand da Vinci's man correctly.

My short-story, "Reading Mark's Mind & Vice versa" is HERE It talks about the scene in this clip where Mark doubles David and jumps from the helicopter to the top of the bus going down the city highway.

Today, I asked Mark, by text, if he did any of the OTHER stunts in this clip. I said I recognized his style and I bet that was him doing this and this and that as well as the helicopter scene. I asked him if I was right, and which ones were him. He just answered me Mark style. He said he did most of David's stunts. So you now know as much as I know. But I'm pretty sure this clip is full of Mark's stunts, not just the helicopter scene. I thought so.

Here's the interview and the shots of David Bradley in Israel, in Jerusalem, studying Hebrew.

They are correct. Read my many stories. This is our path Jesus meant for us to take. xo Angel

Mark's 180 plus Box Office Feature Films: HERE

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written October 16, 2024 at 1:15 pm

Copyright October 16, 2024 Angell Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written October 16, 2024 at 12:39 pm

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