Mark on the phone at Spa Castle grinning at me and flashing his phone screen so I can see it says “Sammy.”
Angel: (whisper and jaw drop; grin from Mark) “ARE YOU TALKING TO SAMMY????!!!!!!!!”
Grin from Mark, “Yeah, Angel’s right here…”
Angel: “HI SAMMY!!!! I mentioned your name last night at Dreamers. I said when I met Mark the first thing I said was, Hi, I’m Angel, I’m with Gigi, she’ll be here in a minute, we know Sammy. That was because Gigi had told me a couple of stunt guys were going to be at the dinner. It turned out it was Mark I said that to. Kimberley was there last night too! Hey, do you remember Gigi’s Leviticus story she told you about us?”
Mark grins some more and they talk some more, “Hey, you need to put me in your show next time I’m in California. Are you doing another season? Ok, we’ll do that, bye.”
Angel: “See, I TOLD YOU I knew Sammy. Gigi introduced me to him back when she and I first met. He was speaking at a church in Round Rock and Gigi took me about 3 times. We went to dinner with him and his entourage, about 20 people. He touched my back and made it feel better.”
Mark: “I was supposed to be at one of those meetings. He invited me to come do one with him. You COULD have met me THEN (2012 as opposed to 2017).
Angel: “I want to tell you the Leviticus story (Mark listening). So, I had just met Gigi and we were both living at the Island on Lake Travis. You know, where you came and I interviewed you. I had already given Gigi a copy of my book. Gigi was in her condo studying Leviticus and getting no where. She finally prayed and said, “Dear Father, if you want me to understand Leviticus you’re just going to have to give it to me because I don’t get it. At that moment I knocked on her door. I said, “I just finished editing and publishing my dad’s book he wrote on Leviticus. I brought you a copy.” THAT’s our Leviticus story. Gigi told it to Sammy."
This was the same time, shortly after, when Gigi was in the film, "Flag of My Father," and I remember when she was interviewed on the 700 Club. She was also creating her radio program, "Standing Freedom." She interviewed me and she played a couple of songs I wrote/sang. She put one of my songs on her interview with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, "Fear Not, My Child," HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
Even later, midnight, same day but now I’m back home. I’m writing this story. I’ve just watched 3 You Tube videos about Sammy to post with this story and I found the one about Kimberley and Sammy that I had remembered. It is right on the tip of my finger to send that one to Mark because I introduced them last night at Dinner with Dreamers. But it is midnight. So I don’t. The phone rings. It’s Mark.
Mark: “What are you doing, are you still up?”
Angel: “I’m watching videos about Sammy. I was just about to send you a link but I didn’t because I didn’t want to wake you up. Do you remember last night when I kept insisting you meet my friend Kimberley and kept trying to drag you over to meet her and you finally did. Well I just found the You Tube video about Sammy and Kimberley and I wanted to send you that link.” I send it to him. “I sent it to your phone, not Facebook Messenger. Do you see it?” Silence.
Mark: “Ok, yeah, I see it but I’m going to get pulled over, I’m driving.”
Angel: “Why are you driving, it’s midnight.”
Mark: “I lost my key. I just got my key back.”
Angel: “You mean you’re just now leaving Spa Castle???!!!” I’ve driven from Dallas to almost Austin since I left him at Spa Castle.
Mark: “Yeah, I lost my car key.”
Angel: “How long did you look for your key?”
Mark: “About 4 hours. I prayed, “Dear Father, you’ve told us that if we will SEEK we will FIND so I need you to do that, God, because I’m trusting you.” I said I wasn’t going to go home until God gave me my key. I told him that. That I was trusting him. He just gave me my key. Do you remember that black lady manager? I was standing by my car just now and she was standing across the parking lot with two black guys, by her car. She yelled across the parking lot, "Hey, did you lose your key?" I said, "yes." She walked over and handed it to me. She said she had found it by a chair and she gave it to me. Just now. I gave her the biggest hug cause I was so happy to get it and she gave me the biggest hug because she was so glad to have found it and to give it to me. I need you to write a story about this.” What he is describing is miraculous. That must have happened around midnight, and the spa would have closed at 10 pm.
Angel: “I write as many stories as I can about you. You are always doing amazing stuff. Or amazing stuff is always happening to you. I just wrote a story about Sammy (this one, now I’ve added the part about his key) and you. That’s why I was watching the You Tube videos about him. I watched his testimony video. He uses the same phrase over and over that you just used. I’m tired, I can’t think of it, but something about God leading you in your life.”
Mark, “Oh yeah, Proverbs 3 (I think he said). Anyway, God gave me my key.
And I wrote his story. Now it’s 1 am. Amazing! Night. xo
P.S. Later, the next day, noon. I text Mark, "I know why you lost your key. It was so I could write this story. Sammy says the very same thing at the end of his testimony video that you said last night: "He will direct thy paths." Story's done. It's awesome. You can send it to Sammy, etc., whoever you like. xo"
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Copyright 2023 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written July 7, 2023 at 11:24 pm
Here's my book... about God "shall direct thy paths." The Intro is HERE