Today's interest... I stayed up until 3 am last night going from short-story to short-story on my website and cutting and pasting each story into my word processor in my computer. That way it will be simple (simpler) to create my book, "The Harvest of Chapelgate." At this point in time I am so tired. I've just been taking screenshots of each story as I wrote it so it wouldn't get lost and would at least be in my files. I read it took J.R.R. Tolkien 20 years to write, "The Hobbit."
I always kept that in the back of my mind as I wrote the poems, songs, and stories for my first book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir." It took me 20 years. That book, my main book, is 800 pages long (almost) and is perfect. I worked SO hard on it, writing it, picking the pictures, formatting it, getting everything just perfect. I really don't think I have the energy to do that again. I have a box in my closet that is about 8 inches thick that contains all of my stories and songs for my new, second, book. I printed that out a couple of years ago. I've really forgotten what was in it.
I just know my first book covered my walk with God, my day-to-day life from when I prayed, "Dear God if there is something about Christianity that I don't understand, would you please show me?" That was in 1985. So "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir" covers 1985 to 2009. In 2010 I moved back to Austin, Texas from Orlando, Florida. My family lives in Texas and I was born in Texas, fifth or sixth generation, however far Texas goes back, I'll have to ask my Aunt Donna. She keeps the genealogy. (It's in my book, lol).
My book basically documents every single thing that happened to me and who I am. The first 70 pages are family history and genealogy and stories from my ancestors. For example, my Granddad on my mother's side benefitted from the "Sooners" and bought an Oklahoma farm that was the prescribed 160 acres and that became our family farm for 70 years until my mom sold it after his death (prompting me to buy my "own" "farm" because I loved Granddaddy's so much, in Arkansas, "Angel Creek.") My ancestors also include Meriwether Lewis, the explorer, (like I've explored God's Bible/Word, blazing a trail) and I have our genealogy chart in my book. My dad worked on all 17 Apollo missions to the moon, which is in my book. My ancestors include Jefferson Davis, (the President of the Confederacy) which is why my fierce love for the South, God, and the Bible comes out so much.
In other words, my book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir," is a memoir. It is true. It is documentation, which my late husband trained me to do. I documented my walk, my life. Why? Because God answered that prayer, because when I prayed it in 1985 I EXPECTED God to answer that prayer and I wrote day by day as he did. He did. That's what my life story is about.
So this new book, the one I'm almost too tired to actually put into book form, is called, "The Harvest of Chapelgate." The first book showed how I wound up in Federal Court fighting for my family's rightful inheritance, which I sacrificed when I prayed, "Dear God, if there is any way you can use this lawsuit for your glory then I give you every penny." Sacrifices are consumed on the altar. Fire came down, poof, gone, every penny. The second book shows my real inheritance from my family, from God, from my walk, what God gave me in return for my sacrifice, and the benefits of actually doing what Jesus told us to do, the "Harvest."
Anyway, last night, after hours and hours and hours, I went to bed at 3 am having copied 200 of my short-stories into my word processor. It covers 2009 to the present, 2024. So it also took almost 20 years to write, 15 so far, but I'm not through. Now I'm matching up the new paradigm God showed me that actually exists in our Bible, has always existed there, under the English, with science. To do that I've bought 300 books, hand-picked by me (and God, seriously) and I'm going through them one at a time looking for parallels to the paradigm I describe in my stories.
I'm tired. My hand hurts. I have 292 short-stories on my website, just from the past 2 years. They are excellent stories. When you put the two books together it has the same overall design that my late husband used when he was creating his "Drilling Data Center." I copied him. Every single story, just like every software program he wrote and I documented, is completely integrated. It is an entire system. A system of what? His was a system to reduce the costs in drilling oil wells, create a database for the future, and keep our earth cleaner and safer. Mine is a system to restore current theology, put followers of Jesus back onto the right path he was originally showing us, to keep our earth cleaner and safer and just the wonderful creation God our Father designed it to be. It opens the heavenly realms that have been here all along, that Jesus was teaching us about, that we lost. My hand hurts. xo
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written June 14, 2024 at 12:08 pm