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Mineral Salts, Tracker Class 1, Charts, Tibet, 144,000, & Looks like a Bell to Me

Angel: (to my Fundamental Christian Parents who are now approaching their 90s) I think about how to present my new interest in Cell Salts, the Chart I was just taught to create in my first Bigfoot Trackers Class Number 1, my interest in Chakras which is a word they have probably purposefully ignored for the last 90 years, and my new trusted knowledge that the New Age people are not only presenting Chakras but their numbers and locations wrong. I learned this through a book I just read probably written by the British military guy who was in charge of figuring out where the Tibetan hidden monastery was that had deciphered what the true "Fountain of Youth" was (and who knew the number and true location of our real "Chakras" in our body, their purpose, and how to recharge them). He published a book, probably under assumed names that eventually sold 2 million copies under other people's names who had taken the time and trouble to rewrite the most critical and informative parts of his knowledge. I just finished reading his real book, and have it. It's in my 400 books I'm studying and writing about. Why?

You really need to catch up if this is going to make one iota of sense. My story: For the past 40 years I've been documenting my walk with God, beginning at birth, through the faithfulness to God of my fundamental Christian parents. Dad's words to me during the first days of my life were literally, "God loves you, your mama and I love you, and when you grow up you are going to go to Abilene Christian University." One of the path guiding first sentences ever spoken to him as a child, probably around the age of 6, by his Texas grandmother, my great-grandmother, who had paid part of her inheritance money to found what would become Abilene Christian College in the early 1900's, or was that her mom?, mom's going to have to explain my genealogy to me again, was, "When you grow up YOU are going to become an Elder in the Church of Christ." He did. I was there. From my birth. When my dad said HIS words to me we were actually living in a small apartment close to the Abilene Christian College campus. My parents had met there the year before. Dad lacked a year finishing his BS degree. Mom had been sent to ACC by Oklahoma farming parents who had thought that if she worked and they worked and everyone worked they MIGHT be able to envision the previously assumed to be impossible dream of her going to college - at least for one year. Dad had met her that first semester, she had taken him to Oklahoma, to the farm I grew up loving, and he had presented her parents with the idea of how she could swing a second semester. Grandad had been eyeing his cotton fields, I'm imagining. Mom had grown up picking cotton in those fields. I'd eventually explore my beloved Grandad's farm during the summers along with my cousins. Mom had gone back to ACC for a second semester. I think her and my grandparents true idea - that she would go to ACC to meet her future husband - had been obtained. What would eventually, become MY campus had a church across the street from the campus that my parents were married in. Their wedding ceremony was performed by the man who would decades later become my Bible teacher as I pursued a BA in Mass Communication. I had decided on that degree based on the Great Commission, spoken to us by Jesus, who instructed us to go into the entire world with his message. At 18 the only way I could figure out HOW to do that was through radio, TV, and film. I had been given a ukulele by my cousins at the age of 6. That had evolved into a guitar. My classmates were filming me singing and playing my guitar, my songs about God, as part of a class project. See how everything is woven together? God weaves a beautiful tapestry. The key is to set your heart on him, your faith in him, and pass it down to your children. My beautiful 7 year old granddaughter has both a ukulele and a guitar, white to match mine, and probably was 1 when she and I began writing songs together. Generations...

SO. That leads back to my first paragraph. I finished my degree at ACU. I finished 2 at a Tennessee sister university, Church of Christ, in theology. I've been writing about God for decades. I've been studying the Bible and trying my best to understand what it is telling us, what Jesus was telling us, from birth, decade after decade after decade. Now I'm trying to tell my almost 90 year old parents about chakras without saying the word "chakra." If I say that word, games over. They will not listen to New Age. I don't listen to New Age. New Age has the bulk of their ideas wrong. But they have part of it right. My 15,000 hours retranslating the King James Bible to try to grasp what it is really telling us, tells me so. My walk tells me so. They have some of it - almost - right. My dad just retired from being an Elder.

Angel: "I signed up for a Tracking Course. My first class was Thursday." It is now Saturday. I'm at my parent's house, my granddaughter is with me. "Laileigh, figure out why Grandad's electric wheelchair won't work." They had just told me he could no longer get it to work. Laileigh, a computer whiz from birth, jumps up and starts examining the wheelchair. I move it out where she can get all around it. "Check if there's some secret button somewhere they need to push," I say, thinking of possibilities. She checks. Did I mention she is 7? Within 5 minutes she has mastered the electric wheelchair and Grandmama is instructing her to "Watch out for my furniture!" Laileigh is busy driving around the living room. Grandad gets a turn in a minute, and instructions on how to operate his chair.

The subject of "Bigfoot" has been frowned upon by my mother for the past 7 years. I've persisted. I bought land, they are there, and I'm VERY interested in the subject. I had intended to give this land to Laileigh, remembering my own grandparent's Oklahoma farm and my fun with catching minnows in the creek and putting tadpoles in Grandad's horse tank. I had the pleasure of searching for hidden chicken eggs. I got to run across fields and follow the creek with my cousins and little brother, and a bit with my younger sister. Mom had sold Grandad's farm, after his owning it for 70 years, after he died. I was heart-broken. I had thought it should be mine, passed down the generational line, because I was the oldest and because I loved it more than anyone else. But no. SO, I had solved that by buying my OWN "farm" - one I had found online that had a beautiful ten minute video with the real estate guy walking around showing all the beautiful trees. I had bought it, for me, but also for Laileigh, so SHE could have the farm experiences, and a safe place that was hers all her life. I had named it "Angel Creek." That was the name I had chosen for the Evins Mill property my late husband and I bought when OUR kids were young and I had the same dream. Instead, I had changed "Angel Creek" which was a name chosen for myself and my own memories, to "Chapelgate" which was a name dedicating the property to God. I have an entire 800 page book written about those adventures, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir," and over 230 songs about God, "The Songs of Chapelgate," that I wrote during these years.

All of these stories are waiting for you in my writings. I've basically documented my life, my walk with God, through my songs, poems, and short-stories. Now, I'm on the "Angel Creek" - my Ozarks "farm" - years and that turned out to include Bigfoot.

Dad: "I've watched some of the Bigfoot shows on TV now," he informs me. Mom prefers we change the subject. But I press on, eager to tell them about my new Bigfoot Tracking Course I've signed up for, for the next 4 months, once per week, online. How do I tell them about the first class?

Angel: "I picked this couple who are teaching me because they love God," I begin. They already know they are the Oklahoma Choctaw couple who tracked my land for me, documenting Bigfoot, see my "Angel Creek" stories. "But they also have some ideas that we haven't really heard of before. They think that the sun sends out different rays every month that match different areas on our bodies, for our health. In our first class we made a chart based on when we were born. They think that while you are inside your mother, as a baby, for 9 months, that the sun is providing the minerals you need through her. But when you are born there are 3 months, pretty much, I think I have it, where you don't have the minerals for THOSE months. SO you make a chart and see what minerals you missed out on. The chart has foods and flowers for each of the 12 months, too. THEN you take the "cell salts" for those 3 months, or parts of months, the chart tells you. That gives your body what it needs. There are also foods and flowers, I guess you use the essences of the flowers, I'm still figuring this out." Water is also critically important. At the very least you need Spring water instead of tap water, if you can get it from a natural clean spring that is the best, if not at least buy Spring water. I had previously settled on the Zen water that I've included a picture of below. This is very expensive if used daily, so I will supplement it with the cell salt minerals and spring water. I've previously written short-stories about why I chose the Zen water.

Health is one of the subjects that captures their attention. So they receive this information, as basic as I've described it, mostly getting the main points right, I think, pretty well. That goes so good that I dare to move on to chakras. But I don't say the word.

Angel: "I've been reading a lot of interesting books lately," if they knew I had bought 400 I'd be in trouble, lol. I tell them about the Tibetan "Fountain of Youth." They are VERY interested in that one. Laileigh and I demonstrate the 5 rituals on the kitchen floor for them, as they now sit at the dining table. We've been doing them daily for the past week, together. I say, "There are different places in your body that has energy, that spins." The true location of the 7 chakras are in the front of your head, back of your head, throat, right side opposite your liver, reproductive area in the middle, and your two knees. Every New Age brightly rainbow colored chart that I'VE ever seen has the chakras in a straight line and not in these locations. I trust my Tibetan monastery book. "You are supposed to work your way up to doing each ritual 21 times. But even if you just do a little, and even if you can't do it correctly, as long as you are close, it seems to work. That's what the book says. I've been doing 7 (not 21) of each of the 5 rituals. Some of them I can't quite do yet, but that's ok. The British military guy says that the monks in the Tibetan monastery who were 100 years old looked like they were 30 or 40 years old. He says that after he had done it himself regularly, for 2 years I think, but it starts working in 10 days and gradually you improve, that none of his friends could even recognize him. He looked like he was 30 or 40 and he had been, like 70, when he started. He couldn't do them right or do many at first either. He just kept it up and it worked. It's the Fountain of Youth. You just have to get your (chakras) energy locations spinning again and eventually they sync up they way the worked when you were young. I've summarized from memory, but the books I'm studying will be in this short-story and you can read them for yourselves.

Today, my first package of all 12 month's worth of Cell Salts arrived in the mail. I kept studying the idea until I also ordered a book explaining the idea, AND more importantly the original book by the guy who first figured it out. I also bought the best book explaining his system AND a different book, explaining the Chart better. When I took my first class I had been reading my current book on the idea that India had figured out how to create space ships, ufos if you will, thousands of years ago. It is a very long and very hard to read book full of ridiculous ideas that sound like they are perfectly serious. I skimmed about 200 pages of it but didn't give up. I have a suspicion that Bigfoot is using some of these ideas and I want to figure out HOW I can travel from one place to another in my spirit. I actually think this is possible. So I'm studying, thinking, learning, reading. When I got to about page 400 or more of the India book it started talking about something that overlapped several other books I've read this year. I've written about them, about Tibetan monastery's before, and of all things, two Bigfoot are standing behind the head Tibetan monk guy with the N.zis standing there. I've read a lot of WWII books now. After awhile, my genius late husband, Robin, taught me, the information you study will begin to overlap. That picture in the back of the India book from thousands of years ago SURE LOOKS LIKE the N.zi "Bell" in one of my WWII books. See previous short-stories of mine, here. Lo and behold, the India book talks about mercury. Where did I hear about that before? Oh. The N.zi WWII books. So I ordered a book that the India book referenced. It came with the Cell Salts and one of the cell salt books today. I took a picture of them together. This is my story explaining the crazy picture.

I was wrapping up this story, looking for the pictures I want to use, and reread my title. I left out the part about the 144,000. Yesterday, I watched part of a New Age video on Facebook that was talking about the "Chosen Ones" and about the "144,000." It made me mad. Like I said, they have a bit of their doctrinal ideas correct. But they have a BUNCH of it wrong. It's like they've usurped our Bible ideas and teaching. They are misapplying them. They seem to think God is the Universe, We are God, and that the Chosen Ones are the 144,000 magical levels of people who have chosen to come here to lead in the "Ascension" of mankind. Nope. Wrong. The Chosen Ones are those of us who have Chosen to follow God, study his Holy Bible, walk the teachings, listen to Jesus, and when we do so we become the concept of "Israel." I am an Israelite. I was born into fundamental Christianity, and I honor and love it. But I am Israel. I chose to become Israel. How? God has his system set up in such a way that if you DESIRE to put God as your foundation, as Jesus instructed us, and OBEY the instructions that are in Jesus' teaching and throughout our Holy Bible, every verse, every chapter, every page, and IF you try to the best of your ability to get it right and constantly DO it then you, like me, whether or not you physically have anything at all to do with Jews and Israel, BECOME, step by step, an Israelite. I am what is known as an "Israelite who has sprung up naturally from the soil." God has chosen Israel. They are the Chosen People. There's not a thing you can do about this. Refute it if you want. It won't change a thing. Israel is a concept. Jesus was an Israelite. I am an Israelite. You turn into an Israelite when you DESIRE to place God the Father, Yahweh, YHWH, as your foundation, as Jesus taught us. Then you step by step by step keep studying and applying what you've learned from the Bible, from Jesus, in your day to day life. You start there, fundamental Christianity. But when you WALK the teachings, sincerely, day after day, purposefully applying the teachings to your life you GROW. You grow, like I have grown, and you pass it down to your children and children's children. Israel. Israel is what you change into when you do this sincerely. God leads you. God teaches you. That's what a lot of the Old Testament counting of the people of Israel is actually about. It is about growing. The tribes are inside you. My previous work explains this more deeply. But the tribes, all of Israel, is inside you. This is what God means when he says he has CHOSEN Israel. It is his design. YOU BECOME Israel through diligent study, constant adjustment of your previous ideas into advancing ideas that more perfectly match God's design of the concept of Israel, day after day, after year after year. It takes time. It takes time and dedication. I've written 40 years of short-stories, songs, and poems for you. It takes TIME. The temple is inside you. God teaches you as you walk. You grow. The number of the tribes of the children of Israel, that are concepts inside of you, INCREASE in numbers day after day. Perfection is 144,000. When God has shaped your interior character and thinking into the template of his perfectly designed concept of "Israel" then you have 144,000 "Israelites" from all the tribes/concepts, inside you, the tribes perfected. Each tribe is a concept. New Age - nope. Bible - yes. xo

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written January 26, 2025 at 3:22 pm

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