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Romans 13:1-2 Obedience to Earth's Authority vs. Our Heavenly Sovereignty

A comment posted in my Flat Earth private subsribers group: "This verse in the Bible very much confuses me and would love some clarity, because I don’t trust the government at all, and never have. The Bible verse that encourages trusting in governing authorities is found in Romans 13:1-2. It states:

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."

This passage emphasizes respecting and being subject to governmental authorities as part of one's faith practice.

Another Comment: "Throw your Bible away, here watch this video that shows they are all corrupt..."

Another Comment: "Well ENOCH says....."

Another Comment: "God is wiser, just do it."

Another Comment: "Don't do it. Only go by Natural Law."

Etc. of this type, summarized.

Angel: "Do not throw your Bible away. Learn to read what your Bible actually says. You do this by obeying what you read. You do as each person here has suggested. It boils down to a discernment of God's Natural Law, like someone said. To get to that point of discernment of Natural Law you have to walk and learn. You read the Bible. You see something that you don't quite get. You ask. You seek. You did all of that. Good job, well done, my good and faithful servant, as the Bible says.

Now you pick. You pick the very best answer you can grasp. You pray, you DESIRE to know the answer. You obey. "Getting up and walking," as Jesus said, is the key. Get up and walk. DO whatever it is you decided purely and honestly to the best of your comprehension. Do it with the spirit of submission and obedience to God our Father. Do it with respect. Sincerely seek. God will answer you if you do this.

It's like growing. It's like becoming an athlete. It's like learning the piano. You practice. One step leads to the next step. I compare it to "the moveable tent in the wilderness" when Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. There IS a Promised Land. The Promised Land IS in our Holy Bible, EVEN the English versions, even each and every single one of the translations. God's Word IS in his Holy Bible. Dig. This is what you did. You're already doing it.

I retranslated the King James Bible for my personal knowledge after a Master of Arts in Religion and a Master of Divinity. It took me a decade, working on it for hours every single day. I wanted to know what the Bible said. I DESIRED to know. I knew Jesus told us to "Seek and we would find." I believed him. I spent 15,000 hours of my life doing this. Now I write. I have a dinner coming up where I will just sit there at a restaurant and explain my understanding, my retranslation if you will, of the Genesis Creation Story and The Sabbath. I write daily, as I study, and I post everything on my Facebook page as I write. I'll go figure it out for you and write about it. Bless you, Angel"

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written February 4, 2025 at 11:20 pm


Romans 13: 1 Every (all) soul (inner you) to the authorities ... being above (him) ... let be subject

1. The first word I translate as "All." I also see the concept of the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (Even when I am reading Greek I transliterate it into ancient Hebrew. God designed Creation in the language of ancient Biblical Hebrew.) I interpret this, always, as the beginning of something. SO it is saying STEP ONE. I also see what I call a "parallel." When I see this I know it is describing the parallism of the Earth/Physical realm and the Heaven/Spiritual realm. I see the concept of "as like the beginning" in the first word. So it is talking about ROME in the first place, as the overall subject. ROME is a symbol for PHYSICAL Government. This first word tells me it is going to be talking about SPIRITUAL Government.

2. "Soul" is very important. It is what I just described to you above. It is the inner man and every individual is different, at a different place in their walk with God. It is talking about YOU, not just your flesh but you INSIDE.

psuché: Soul, life, self, inner being

Original Word: ψυχή

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine

Transliteration: psuché

Pronunciation: psoo-khay'

Phonetic Spelling: (psoo-khay')

Definition: Soul, life, self, inner being

Meaning: (a) the vital breath, breath of life, (b) the human soul, (c) the soul as the seat of affections and will, (d) the self, (e) a human person, an individual.

Word Origin: Derived from the verb ψύχω (psuchō), meaning "to breathe" or "to blow."

Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: - נֶפֶשׁ (nephesh) - Strong's Hebrew 5315, often translated as "soul" or "life" in the Old Testament.

Usage: In the New Testament, "psuché" is used to denote the immaterial and eternal aspect of a person, often translated as "soul" or "life." It refers to the essence of a person that encompasses emotions, desires, and the will. It is distinct from the physical body and is often associated with the eternal aspect of human existence. "Psuché" can also refer to the life force that animates the body, as well as the seat of feelings, desires, and affections.

3. "To the Authorities" The first thing I notice is Ex which I translate "to go out, going out." Cool. Then I see 3 letters "ous" which I translate as "as, like." Then there is something interesting. It is letters forwards followed by the same letters backwards. Like a mirror. SI a IS. Like a mirror. This is, in and of itself a complete concept I've found all through our Holy Bible. It is based on a doctrine I've found under the English that does not match the doctrine we are being taught in Christianity. It is a reference to the Design of God's Word in Nature, Natural Law. Natural Law, God's Word, operates like a mirror. Those who are on the path going towards a focus on SELF and MONEY and REBELLION against God our Father are a mirror image of those who are on the path going towards a focus on OTHERS and SACRIFICE and OBEDIENCE to God our Father. Mirror images. Natural Law. SO this word "to the Authorities" has THAT concept in it.

exousia: Authority, power, right, jurisdiction

Original Word: ἐξουσία

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine

Transliteration: exousia

Pronunciation: ex-oo-see'-ah

Phonetic Spelling: (ex-oo-see'-ah)

Definition: Authority, power, right, jurisdiction

Meaning: (a) power, authority, weight, especially: moral authority, influence, (b) in a quasi-personal sense, derived from later Judaism, of a spiritual power, and hence of an earthly power

Word Origin: Derived from the verb ἔξεστι (exesti), meaning "it is lawful" or "it is permitted."

4. Being above (him) I see the concepts, in this one word, yes it works like that, "under" "to go out" and "to have and to hold."

huperechó: To surpass, to excel, to be superior, to rise above

Original Word: ὑπερέχω

Part of Speech: Verb

Transliteration: huperechó

Pronunciation: hoo-per-ekh'-o

Phonetic Spelling: (hoop-er-ekh'-o)

Definition: To surpass, to excel, to be superior, to rise above

Meaning: I excel, surpass, am superior.

Word Origin: From the Greek words ὑπέρ (hyper, meaning "above" or "beyond") and ἔχω (echo, meaning "to have" or "to hold").

5. Let be subject. I see "under to arrange." When I see this concept it is again, talking about the true Doctrine in God's Word, Natural Law, which I've learned to read underneath the English. I'm showing you a glimpse now of how that is done. It is talking about the ORDER God has arranged things in, his Doctrine, his SYSTEM. I'll just explain it a bit. Those who focus on the Physical, I call it the Earth path, Self, Money, DO have Natural Law AUTHORITY. BUT God has his Natural Law SYSTEM set up so that those who are walking what I call the Heaven path, focus on Others, Sacrifice, Obedience to God, get flipped OVER to the TOP. That is why the design of our earth and skies is important. There is a dome over flat earth, a firmament. It is symbolic of God's Natural Law DESIGN being that the Spiritual realm is superior to to physical realm. God has his system set up that way so that his obedient children who listen, seek him, study, obey, have respect for God, try to help others, etc. WIND UP on TOP. THEY walk a path where all of these things develop in their spirit. Once it is complete, God judges, he has a set of balances in Natural Law to measure it, then they get FLIPPED up so that THEY are in the position of Authority. It takes a long time, I know by experience, having walked this path. When you get to this point of completion, of perfection of the spirit, then there is a MIRROR in existence inside your mind and spirit. You don't get the MIRROR until you reach perfection of the spirit, meaning you've actually done what Jesus instructed us to do, to the best of your ability for a long. long time. LIKE A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE TRAINS and achieves. You are seeing a Professional Athlete, right now, in me, as I type. I can see the mirror. The mirror is a flipped image of Earth's Natural Law. When you reach this point YOU RULE. You do it because your spirit is simply wiser than theirs. You do it because your insight is simply sharper than theirs. You do it because you have walked a path towards God and serving Others that was self-sacrificing and cost you. You rule because you KNOW God's Holy Bible - what it REALLY SAYS. You know this becaue you obeyed Jesus to the best of your ability and WALKED the path.

hupotassó: To subject, to subordinate, to submit, to be under obedience

Original Word: ὑποτάσσω

Part of Speech: Verb

Transliteration: hupotassó

Pronunciation: hoop-ot-as'-so

Phonetic Spelling: (hoop-ot-as'-so)

Definition: To subject, to subordinate, to submit, to be under obedience

Meaning: I place under, subject to; mid, pass: I submit, put myself into subjection.

Word Origin: From the preposition ὑπό (hupo, meaning "under") and τάσσω (tassó, meaning "to arrange" or "to order")


Ok, that's the first four words of Romans 13: 1-2

I think that answers your question. When you have perfected Jesus' teachings, his real teachings, which you learn by WALKING towards God our Father then you reach a point where your spirit can see a MIRROR. Natural Law then simply MAKES you Superior. We are Sovereign. God made us Sovereign. We get to our Sovereignty like this.

Comment from group member where I posted this on Facebook: “Wow. That’s very interesting. I need to talk with you more about this mirror.” (Individual)

Instead, I wrote this for the group (Corporate.)

Angel: “It is being described in Acts 2. They were all gathered together & there came a rushing wind. It is talking about this post (& my short-story “God’s Mirror” when I posted it in that other group) and it is always real and on your path. You look for the essence of the scripture which will mirror your own walk with God at whatever point you are on on the path, supernaturally (individual). Acts 2 is where the Heaven path doctrine splits off from the Earth path doctrine. Those who believe in God as the Creator/we are his children break off from New Age doctrine (all the rage at the moment because true but backwards, mirrorwise.) They don’t believe in God, think the Universe is God (no); think they are God (no - mirrors us) (corporate). The mirror is both Individual/Corporate Inner/Outer and Male/Female. Just happened right here. Acts 2.”

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written February 8, 2025 at 11:20 am

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written February 5, 2025 at 12:17 pm

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