I changed the ending to my latest short-story, "We Need Salt & Mindspeak," which is about my 2nd Bigfoot Tracking class. I also watched an excellent video my teacher couple directed me to and I think they are correct. It was about how demons can trick you. They made a bunch of really great points. It is called, "Watching Wednesdays" and is something they do every Wednesday. They watch Bigfoot videos they think are teaching wrong information and as they watch they pause the video and teach the correct information. So I think they are very right and demons can be very tricky.
Here's the new ending to my latest story. There are now 108 Bigfoot and Werewolf/Walking Wolves stories on my website that I've written while walking this path. Look in the section, "Angel Creek." Be careful out there. There are entire worlds waiting to be explored. Follow God. Be wise. xo
A few minutes later the block of salt I bought from Amazon was on its way. I put a note on it asking the delivery person to open it and put it behind my blue cabin. This is so important. I think I saw a ghost, for the first time in my entire life, out of the corner of my eye, walk by my bedroom today. I know I did. It was a gentle, blonde, girl child of about 8, with long blonde hair, just like mine. She was wearing a thin white with hints of soft blue, longish cotton nightgown. She made me think I was seeing myself walk by as a child. She seemed self-absorbed, deep in thought, not trying to get my attention, just thinking to herself as she quietly walked by.
So, I prayed to God again and reinstated the ban. “And if anything is in my house, dear Father, please see what it is and decide for me. I don’t want anything in my house. But you look and decide for me. And please tell my Bigfoot the ban is back on. They are not allowed to cross my threshold. They are not allowed to mind speak to me. They have to tell you if they have anything to tell me. Then if you want me to know, You find a way to tell me. And don’t let them trick me, Father. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
To myself: “I really think they are “The Ancient Ones” and they were designed as symbols, by God, of the importance of correctly discerning his Word, his Doctrine. Jesus taught us that any Doctrine that is incorrect will fail and you cannot continue down a wrong path to get to a right destination. This is too important for me to get it wrong. I know they are following the ancient Biblical Hebrew correct doctrine, which differs from what we are being taught. I know they were designed by God as a symbol of how Jesus protects, IS, God's true Word. False Doctrines meet a vicious end. Jesus himself would not tolerate false doctrine, attacked it, and corrected it. This is too important. I can't let my personal beliefs guide me. I must stay humble. My Father, God, has to guide me and I have to trust he will. This is too important for me to get wrong. I have to put it in his hands. God can decide. xo
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written January 31, 2025 at 1:44 am