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The Werewolf’s Bite

Today’s short-story…

Everything God created on the outside has also been created by him on the inside. Concepts. Look for concepts. When I was retranslating our King James Bible from the English back to the original ancient Biblical Hebrew and Greek I had already learned that the ancient Hebrew did not contain vowels or spaces between words. It was the translation that put vowels and spaces back into play. So I took them back out. I had learned a few single letters that contained concepts in and of themselves. So I watched for others. I found them. I knew to look for a three letter root. So I carefully overlapped each letter in the now vowelless and spaceless string to a depth of 3 or more on both sides before moving to the next single letter. I did this for the entire Old Testament and the entire New Testament… twice.

It took a long long time before anything began to make sense. God taught me. When your spirit longs for the truth, is persistant, trusts God will answer, cares, and respects him combined with putting a burden on your own shoulders not only for yourself but for others, then God answers. He taught me himself.

I know what a Werewolf is. God told me during Rosh Hashanah. He showed me.

In 1998 I noticed my life was matching the ancient Biblical Hebrew calendar. The calendar was designed by God for his priests. I became a priest before I was born, dedicated from before conception to God. I was loved and trained from birth, carefully carried to church, continually trained not just at church but every hour of my life at home. By the time I was 11 I loved God with my whole heart, believed, and was baptized just before my 12th birthday, the same age I had been taught that Jesus made that decision. I chose the name “Angel” close to that same time because I knew it meant “messenger of God’s Word.” I had already put the burden on my own shoulders to care for others as I followed God myself. I loved God. So I took the burden of showing him to others.

God has spoken to me many times. He does it by combining my thoughts and life happenings with deeper understanding of his Bible scriptures. He responds to me. I listen and watch and learned at an early age that he would. It would often happen when I sacrificed. If your desire is one direction but scripture and obedience are a different direction and you sacrifice your own will to trust and be obedient to God’s will then eventually the outcome tells you what God wanted you to know. I also learned that doesn’t matter. Just walk into the fire. If he chooses to save you, fine. If he doesn’t, fine. Just obey, trust, submit, follow. That causes God to talk to you. He chooses if he wants to or not. He’s always right. His character is worthy of total trust. On this level he plays with timing because on this level you grasp it.

So God began timing my life to match his calendar he created for his priests. What I’ve just described to you is the heart, mind, and thoughts of a priest. I’m a priest. The calendar is for God’s priests.

Rosh Hashanah. Werewolves. Yes they exist. I am one. In my spirit.

Everything God created on the outside he also created on the inside. They match. One is physical, one is spiritual. The concept is identical. So you look for the concepts, the essences, of everything. I read my ancient Biblical Hebrew and Greek Bible scriptures letter by letter, overlapping, overlapping CONCEPTS.

God designed the physical world concepts based on Christ. The spiritual concepts match. All is Christ. Every jot and tittle is Christ, part of the concept of Christ. Everything.

We live on a plane. We have a dome over our heads. There is no outer space in the sense of Star Wars or Star Trek. WE have ALL of God’s focus. Heaven is over earth. The spiritual realm is dominant. Male over female. A joint endeavor but with a leader, a head place. Male. Heaven. Rosh. Rosh means this.

God taught me what I wanted to know about Werewolves on Rosh Hashanah. It ended last night. It happened during that period of time. Our calendar is off a bit. I can always tell. My experience matched up with the correct timing, slightly ahead of the published calendars. Mine is right.

A physical tree has a matching spiritual tree inside you. The concept stays the same. A physical flower has a matching spiritual flower inside you. A physical direction has a matching spiritual direction inside you. All are aspects of the concept of Christ.

God told me what a Werewolf is because I’d been asking him. Priests get to choose which questions they want God to answer. You have to really, REALLY, want to know. “Knock and the door will be opened to you. Seek and you will find.” I’ve been knocking and seeking. So he told me.

Werewolves exist. They are creatures that are fiercely protective of forests. They are loners but have packs. They are rarely seen. They are super strong. They are at home in the woods. There is a flower only found in Tibet (see my previous stories) that only blooms during a full moon. This flower can change a werewolf back into a man. I’m a werewolf, spiritually. I recognize that exists in me, the concept. I have a werewolf pack. I live in the forests of the mountains of Tibet and I have that flower growing inside my spirit. I know moonlight. I can create moonlight. Moonlight is different from sunlight. God taught me both. I prefer the night, the moon. These are all concepts related to how God has designed everything as aspects of Christ. Whatever exists physically also exists spiritually.

Trees are the concepts representing the long study of Torah, God's Word, the Bible, of scripture, and of the long study of God's Word in nature. A forest is a group of these "long study" concepts. The Bible is like a forest. When you dwell in God’s Word, his Holy Bible, as I do, you live in a forest. It is inside you. I live in a forest inside my spirit. The forest I live in contains the Old Growth ancient trees, a preference of Cryptids. A Werewolf is a human who can shape shift into a beast. I can, spiritually. Why do they? Cryptids, Werewolves, represent the part of the priest’s personality that fiercely guards God’s Word. They will kill over a concept. I will turn into a Werewolf and kill, meaning spiritually, savagely destroy, a false concept about God or God’s Word, his design. I did this on Rosh Hashanah a few days ago.

Yes I could be more specific with the physical details. Let’s just say I love the person I did this with. Desire and love is that rare "werewolf" flower that blossoms in the moonlight in the rarefied heights of the highest mountains on earth, Tibet, where Mt. Everest is (see my previous stories).

Rosh was the prize. The head place. Leadership. God’s correct doctrine. God’s true design of his Word. That is what caused me to shape shift, spiritually. That’s what my spirit kept safe. The flower of love and desire was to enlighten the Werewolf I fought with. Now there are two of us, of the same kind, male and female. The Werewolf’s bite does that. It’s how they mate, spiritually, without physically touching. Let me break it down so it is easier to grasp. I had a battle of theology over God's design of his Word with someone I love with the love described as a rare flower that only blossoms during a full moon, on the rarefied heights of the distant mountains of Tibet. We fought. I knew his doctrine was incorrect. So we fought. Two Werewolves. I used the flower to turn him into a man. Then I bit him. I turned him into a Werewolf like me, a mate. That will cause his doctrine to eventually shift until he is the same as me. It always happens like this. It doesn't matter if Werewolves, flowers, and bites are involved at all. God's design of his Word in the Bible and in Nature will ALWAYS win in the end. Jesus said that about the false temple to idols people had built. He said every stone would come down. God designed it that way. Only his true Word, his true design remains. Ever. Always. But in this case the battle of Werewolves happened to me on Rosh Hashanah because I can comprehend how that works and God was answering my personal question to him about Cryptids.

Hebrews 7 describes it as when the High Priest of Righteousness, of Mother Earth (physical realm) sees (comprehends) the High Priest of Righteousness, of Father Heaven (spiritual realm) and they join in peace (a concept occurring simultaneously) in Jerusalem (the Holy City inside God's priests, where the temple is). The purpose is to create the Levitical tribe, restore it. They both see that the concepts are in tatters and determine to restore what has been lost, back to the original meanings of the concepts, to restore God's Word, his Design, his System. From here, this joining of spirits, the new Levitical priesthood will spring up naturally. It will eventually become flesh. Creation begins in the spirit, it then eventually manifests in the flesh. Heaven is over Earth. They are Male and Female. They mate. Concepts.

Bigfoot is a similar concept. I believe their dna is different as the ancient Hebrew priests' dna has been documented to be different, only part human. I believe they are a combination of characteristics, based on what they eat the most of. That is part of God's design. We all are. That determines our frequencies, that's what my first Chapelgate stories were about. How eating spiritual food changes you spiritually, how actions change you. There is a universe inside us. All of God's creation is in us, but the Bigfoot and Werewolves are in a class dedicated to the spiritual priesthood, what they have eaten, who they were born to, choices they made, actions they took, those create the class. Priests BECOME only part human because of these reasons, they are unlike normal man, set apart, Levites. Israel itself, likewise, is different. We are discussing the top tiny percent of Israel, spiritually, rare, different.

Bigfoot are all predators because that is a symbol for what is occurring spiritually. Yes, real predators, the real ones are, the physical ones. That's because the spiritual ones are predators. The sense, however, is the vengeance, power and strength, viciousness even, children devouring even, of what they represent. They represent the keepers of the forests, meaning God's Word. They have no mercy and no equal when it comes to destroying any concept that is not legitimately part of God's Holy Design of his Word. That is their function. That is why Bigfoot are so big, so powerful, are so close to Nature, in their tribal families, how they can do the supernatural things they are known for, because of what they are and how in tune with Nature they are, and why they keep hidden in the remote places of the earth, for the most part. They are everywhere, anywhere they choose to be, but they prefer to be in God's Word, meaning, forests and mountains. This is why they can bend tremendously huge trees effortlessly. It is a symbol with total mastery over trees, meaning the concepts of God's Word, in our true Bible as it was originally written under the original paradigm. This is why Bigfoot weave blinds, which is what you are seeing me do in this story. They mark territory, they hunt.

And yes, it is my personal opinion that under certain conditions Bigfoot can also tolerate normal man, and that they will teach advanced spiritual concepts to those who are in or near that dimension, frequency, which they can sense. However, they respect your personal boundaries and won't cross your threshold to do this if you have told them not to, like I have. I asked mine to only speak to me, communicate to me, through God my Father, who would decide if he wanted me to receive their message (see my many stories). My personal opinion is that both Bigfoot and Werewolves, (or perhaps as I've been trained to call them, Walking Wolves and Predator Bigfoot and Hybrids), are more likely, however, to sense man's normal lower frequencies, which they can barely or won't tolerate. Their interactions always have something to do with how they perceive their role of protecting God's Word, the design, spiritually, and they walk within that design. That is why God created them, that is their role, that is why they are predators, how, and the symbolism they were designed to portray. And yes, Grandmother Spider exists in her priests, comes down from "heaven," and weaves Creation into place. You are also witnessing that in this story. xo

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written October 5, 2024 at 8:59 am - the day after Rosh Hashanah on our calendars; event during Spa Castle stories; I drove to Dallas to check out a Christian Television facility for myself and also for Cryptid expert friends, and to see my friend, Mark, Hollywood Hall of Fame stuntman, physical master, and strong Christian leader. My Spa Castle stories just before this one describe that. I also was very interested in my "Angel Creek" Cryptid stories, watching old Werewolf movies, reading books on the subject, then reading about a Bigfoot Festival, and watching Bigfoot expert friends' videos; it all ties together - and finished October 5, 2024 at 3:46 pm. The Bible chapter I was on while retranslating, which matches how I finished the last part of this, was in the New Testament of our King James Bible in Hebrews 7.

Central to the heart of this story was my immediate reaction to this video about a Woman's "Helper" role to a Man, which I agreed with, and which caused this story to happen HERE

The stories around this conclusion story are:

"They fixed the Bio"

"Our Flat Earth Just Got Flatter, Thanks Vikka"

"Spa Castle to Capernaum"

"Couch Potato, Healing, Auras"

"Hot Tubs, Saunas, and Now a Brown Belt"

"A New Paradigm"

"Parallel Universes & Paradise Islands"

"Werewolf, Mariphasa Lumina Tibetan Flowers & Dad is Fun!"

"The Trident"

"What to do? What to do?"

"Changing the Paradigm on Rosh Hashanah"

followed by

"From at Least Hurricane Camille"

...and preceded by all my "Harvest of Chapelgate," "Texas Tales from a Lone Star," and "Angel Creek" stories. The foundation is: "The Chapelgate Adventure Stories" and my main book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir."

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