So, this is my next endeavor, from January 21, 2025 to April 21, 2025. I’m going to be trained and certified by the best of the best. In what? Your jaw would drop. See my 107 “Angel Creek” short-stories on my website. They start at the beginning… 7 years ago I bought off-grid land in the Ozarks. Why? The private reason is because I am a Watcher and was preparing. Many Christians sought land in the Ozarks. It is called the Natural State, meaning nature. The land I bought was pretty much raw and undisturbed up to the day I bought it. It was so natural I didn’t even have room to park my adventure camper van, “Swan.” That came later. There was just a teeny dirt trail, not even qualified to be called a road, that went past it. I had to cross a 200 year old cement bridge over a nearby river just to get to the dirt road that wound for miles to my trail. Picture me alone, in my beloved beautiful, white van, “Swan,” (named for my adventure sailboat in my fantasty fiction novelette, “Island”). Picture me slowly inching across a concrete bridge with no rails, a couple of feet above river level, single lane, into unknown thick woods. Get the picture? It was terrifying. I did it.
I’d soon be searching for information so I could grasp where I’d gotten myself. Immediately, deep in the woods, on the dirt trail, a mile past my thick property, I got Swan stuck. God miraculously rescued me. Eventually, I located my land, found the boundary markers, bought the first of many tools, a weedeater, and began to carve out a little spot to place a brand new blue shed cabin. I had it delivered. It’s there now, filled with all the tools I bought over the next few years. I designed a lock for the only door, (I purposefully did not buy a shed with any windows, for security) that King Kong himself could not break open. No one’s getting my tools or in to my blue shed. Within 3 months a big X had been built ten feet to the side of my new shed and overtopping it, with crossed huge trees. Seemed I wasn’t alone. My adventures, 107 short-stories which will eventually become my book, “Angel Creek,” were written one by one as I lived this adventure. Ok jaw drop time. I’m being trained to track Bigfoot by the Choctaw warrior couple who designed this course. I’ve been learning from them for several years now. They initially tracked my land, just after the blue cabin and just before the X. Follow the link to their course and YouTube channel. Follow my website link to my stories. xo
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written January 17, 2025 at 8:02 am
YouTube link HERE: