I got upset when I opened my new compass. The instructions were very involved, suspicious, and just irked me. Declination. WHY did I have to mess with THIS aspect? Compasses are simple. You pick one up and it works. Simple. Yet, all these new instructions on how to operate what used to be a very simple compass somehow made me think of Google’s deceptive Gps system and the deceptive systems used in training pilots. Pilots themselves have gone on record to verify the earth is flat. The deceptive systems are in place to mask that simple fact.
Christ is True North. He is the Center. Polaris. The North Pole. True North. The point of symbolism created by God to be the centerpoint of harmony. So what was this new nonsense with the compass. Evidently True North and North are no longer the same. So we now have to mess with, or be deceived by, declination of our compasses. Baloney. I smell rats.
So I found what seems to be a really helpful video about the symbolism of true North. I’m watching it right now. I need to figure this out. I suspect it is key.
An hour or so ago I was reading my current book, “The Miracle of Nikola Tesla’s Purple Energy Plates” by Tim Swartz (www.TeslaSecretLab.com)
I stopped and ordered one before they magically disappear. It seems the false narrative world writers are continually occupied in erasing all outside their fake narrative. So I bought one while I still can. I think I will use it as a coaster for my microwaved cups of coffee and for my tapwater glasses of water - to fix what the false narrative creators created for us. We ARE going to beat this. xo
PS I also added a book on “Axis Mundai” to my Amazon Wish List. Oh, and a book about the Ashinki Records.
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written January 22, 2025 at 12:06 pm