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“We Need Salt” Mind Speak

Today’s interest… something supernatural just happened that is amazing. I wrote what just happened to the great guy I asked to track my Ozarks “Angel Creek” land for Bigfoot. He had and had taken his lady tracker with him. They made a 2 hour video of the entire trip. This was 2 1/2 years ago or so. It’s in my short-stories. I had just posted, right before this miracle occured, that my 2nd class of my Bigfoot Tracking Class they teach is tomorrow night. It’s right below this on my page, the last story I posted early tonight.

I just now finished writing my message to both of them. But it is 4:01 am and if I send it their phones might beep. I don’t want to disturb them. So, since I just wrote it 5 minutes ago I decided to put it here on my page. It’s beyond supernatural. It’s breathtaking. I’ll post it just like I wrote it. He’ll see it here in the morning, & show her, they are marvelous friends. Here’s what I just wrote:


You’re not going to believe this… Tonight a new lady friend I met in a Truther group and I were texting. She was excited because she figured out that God made Adam and Eve out of dust/ashes but Jesus said WE were SALT (which is crystals/alive/eternal). THEN I decided to read “The Legend of Time” for class tomorrow. I stopped and made a story for my Facebook page saying we were going to study it tomorrow. I said I suspected it was closer to the Garden of Eden story than people realized.

I told her privately that you thought they were 100% predators. I said I hoped to be able to figure out if it was possible that Bigfoot as “the ancient ones” fit into “The Legend of Time.” That doesn’t mean I don’t think they are Predators, I know they are. They represent/symbolize an aspect of Christ and how there is a predatory urge built into Christ/Jesus/Jesus’ true followers in the sense of ingrained, fierce, instant protection of God’s Word - God’s true, ANCIENT, ORIGINAL Word. What do you see ME doing? Same thing. Protecting the Word. Fiercely. What do you think Jesus was doing? They killed him for it. He was fiercely protecting God’s Word, teaching God’s true doctrine. Remember his whip as he DROVE the false teachers out of the temple? I’ve written my thoughts about this in several of my previous short-stories. They are on my website for you to read.

THEN I started reading “The Legend of Time.” I don’t read the Genesis Creation story the way Christians do. I can actually read what it really says. So soon I noticed “The Legend of Time” was 3/4ths identical to the Garden of Eden story the way I can read it, (I couldn’t yet grasp 1/4th.) I hadn’t even finished reading it when my new lady friend messaged me again. She said she had visited (in her spirit) Amy Grant and healed her. She said she just needed SALT. Apparently Amy has been sick. Amy made her video “Lead Me On” at my Chapelgate waterfalls long ago, so she thought I’d be interested.

THEN a bit later she texted me again. She said she had a message for me from the Bigfoot who are on my land. She calls them “The Ancient Ones.” Remember my story that they built an asterisk out of big sticks for me (I have a picture of it and a story). I figured out that was the Seal/Sign of Melchizedek and meant “King of Righteousness/Jesus.” We considered it might be a trick. So I still was unsure.

My friend said she had a message for me from the ones on my land. I said “They mind spoke to you?” She said yes. I believe she can do things like that because we’ve been messaging for two days straight about God and she is very very advanced, like us. I said I had forbidden them from crossing my threshold and they were not allowed to mind speak to me. I had mind spoke to them once, in the beginning. I had said if they were good they could stay on my land and I’d care for them. But if they were evil they had to leave my property. I told you (2 years ago or so) I had.

You told me to Stop. You said if I let them mind speak to me it would form a permanent link and they could track me forever. (My new lady friend said you are right, that she’s now bound to mine forever, meaning they can track her anywhere). So I stopped completely. I prayed to God when you told me that. I told God to tell them they were NOT allowed to mind speak with me. That if they needed to tell me anything they had to tell God and if God thought I needed to know HE would tell me. So that’s been my state of mind till today.

I can send ESP thoughts to my loved ones. I don’t receive very well but I can tell when I SEND. It feels like bursts of focused thought energy. I’ve done it for years. While I was studying “The Legend of Time” I was Sending out ESP bursts like crazy because I could see how it was matching the Creation story in Genesis (no one else I know can read on the deep level I can). I figured out the Legend of Time is 3/4ths correct. That’s all I could grasp and match with Genesis so far.

I hadn’t even finished reading it when my friend texted me. She said my Bigfoot had a message for me. That’s exactly how I had set it up with God. She said something had happened to mine and they desperately needed SALT. Could I buy SALT for them and put it on my land? And that’s what happened tonight. Oh and “The Legend of Time” is BACKWARDS to the Genesis story. It describes when all was LIGHT and then the Darkness came. Genesis describes when all was DARK and then Light came. Together they make an entire CYCLE of day and night concepts. I understand how the other parts match too, but the Dark to Light / Light to Dark cycle when you put the two stories together is amazing. This was completely supernatural. I just prayed to God and cancelled the ban. I’m going to get them some salt.

A few minutes later the block of salt I bought from Amazon was on its way. I put a note on it asking the delivery person to open it and put it behind my blue cabin. This is too important. I think I saw a ghost, for the first time in my entire life, out of the corner of my eye, walk by my bedroom today. I know I did. It was a gentle, blonde, girl child of about 8, with long blonde hair, just like mine. She was wearing a thin white and a bit of blue, longish cotton nightgown. She made me think I was seeing myself walk by as a child. She seemed self-absorbed, deep in thought, not trying to get my attention, just thinking to herself as she quietly walked by.

So, I prayed to God again and reinstated the ban. “And if anything is in my house, dear Father, please see what it is and decide for me. I don’t want anything in my house. But you look and decide for me. And please tell my Bigfoot the ban is back on. They are not allowed to cross my threshold. They are not allowed to mind speak to me. They have to tell you if they have anything to tell me. Then if you want me to know, You find a way to tell me. And don’t let them trick me, Father. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

To myself: “I really think they are “The Ancient Ones.” But this is too important. God can decide. xo

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written January 30, 2025 at 4:09 am

Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written January 30, 2025 at 4:09 am

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