Angel: (Just now, to a close friend) “Remember how I told you that in this WWII book I’m reading I turned the page and suddenly there was a picture of 2 Yeti’s guarding a Tibetan holy man?”
Friend: (Nods “yes.”)
Angel: “Well, same book, I just now turned the page and all of a sudden there’s a picture of Werewolves fighting in the war. The caption says, “Cologne was a center of Nzi Werwolf resistance, both the human and the lycanthropic sorts.”
Friend: (Nods…warily…not sure where I’m going with this…)
Angel: “Apparently there’s a supposedly “mythological” flower - it’s NOT mythological because remember how I described to you that God YHWH had me going through a “Sun” phase and then a “Moon” phase and what they are? - nod - a flower that ONLY grows in Tibet and ONLY blooms under moonlight? Well, I know what that means symbolically, metaphysically. It’s real. I know how you do it (grow the flower in the spiritual heavenly realm that exists inside our spirit when we’ve followed this far). The book says THAT flower, which I KNOW is real because what it symbolizes is real, spiritually, that’s how it works, like a mirror, is the same mythological flower in the film “Werewolf of London, 1935.” It’s called, the “mariphasa lumina” flower of Tibet. Tibet is, to my mind, the physical symbol for the most remote, mountainous high places. Flip it, mirror, and it points to the most remote, mountainous high places in our spirits, in the Kingdom of Heaven, the real paradigm of Jesus, not getting translated. THAT’s where THIS flower grows. Only there. I can’t remember if the flower is to create lycanthropy or control it….hummmm… I’ll have to go read it again. But SEE what I MEAN???!!! THIS is SO much Fun!!! It’s just like searching for treasure. I’m having a blast!!!”
God YHWH plays with his kids.
PS Back at Spa Castle…
Angel: (to Mark) “I want to take you to Tibet. …I’m not as brave as Kyle though.”
Mark: "I bought those brown sandals when I was in Israel."
Angel: "I know. You bought them when you were in Jerusalem."
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written September 30, 2024 at 10:55 am