This is my conclusion to my 5 year long quest to grasp if Cryptids are real. I bought off-grid land about 5-6 years ago, in the Ozarks. I live in Texas. I bought it online based on a sales video. The salesman walked around the land for 10 minutes just showing what it was like. He said it was unrestricted. I could put a shed there, or a shipping container, or my RV, or build a cabin, whatever I wanted. So I bought it, spent a year paying it off, bought a pretty blue snakeproof shed & had it delivered, and wondered why there were a couple of bent trees in the sales video I watched religiously. It was after buying it, buying the shed, and a couple of very brief 600 mile trips from Texas trying to take a look at it (so overgrown I couldn’t even park anywhere except on the little dirt trail itself) that I googled “Ozarks bent trees.” Google told me they were either “Indian Marker Trees” OR Bigfoot.
I had intended that land to be for my little granddaughter when she grew up. Our family had always had land and I wanted to pass down the tradition. You learn a lot about God from land. Land gives you a safe shelter. Bigfoot????!!!! That didn’t sound safe!!! Were they REAL???!!!
That began my “Angel Creek” short-stories, trying to figure it out. My stories are all on my website. If you want to read them in the order I wrote them just pay attention to the Copyright dates at the bottom of each story. It’s 5 years later, or so. I’m a Spiritual Writer with an extensive background in Theology complimented by an extensive background walking on adventures with God. I have an entire product line documenting that, “The Chapelgate Adventure Series” (also on my website).
So whatever I figured out was going to be from a Biblical and personal spiritual perspective. I doubt other Bigfoot researchers will agree with my conclusions but they have their own work for their own audiences from their own viewpoints. That’s all we can do - write our best thoughts from our own perspective. It is titled “The Werewolf’s Bite” because as I researched Bigfoot I learned about Dogmen. I personally prefer the visual image of “Werewolf” because I think it is closer to the true nature of the beast. This short-story is my conclusion, my own beliefs. I doubt you’ve heard anything quite like it before. Enjoy! xo
“The Werewolf’s Bite” is HERE
Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written October 6, 2024 at 9:39 am