Oh shoot. My new friend I found on the Seeking the Truth private group yesterday, whom I have SO much in common with, and I just found a point of separation. Oh well. I'm hard headed like my Daddy, you have no idea, and I'm right. But we have spent literally HOURS messaging back and forth such similar ideas. I love it. ...but I'm right...lol xo
I wrote that on my Facebook page, just now, and put the link to a short-story I wrote that is called, "Not Nephilim." HERE
I said: "As far as our ideas of elohim we don't see that the same and I'm keeping my ideas because I know they are right. I'm fun right. As far as the Nephilim baloney it is baloney. I think that is massive planned disinformation and misdirection. When I interpret Genesis 6 it doesn't say that at all. It matches my theory. So hey we couldn't match 100% but we sure get close and I sure enjoy your knowledge and spirit. xo"
She paused for a second to breath. This is what I am talking about in the Nephilim story I just posted. I say that there is a spiritual predator version of the Bigfoot and Werewolves as I prefer to call them. I know because it exists in me and I've seen it in existence in a few others I know. It is the urge to protect God's Word that is so FIERCE that you will attack and kill on the spot, slaughter for sacrifice, ANY idea that is not correct. It is a vicious predator response of those who protect the ancient knowledge. I see similarities in myself and what these Cryptid predators have been described as doing. That's why I know there is a spiritual version and a physical version that, while mirror images of each other, are on the opposite side of the spectrum of good and evil. Both are predators. But they are different. I know I'm not going to be considered right for this viewpoint but I know I am because I see it in existence inside me. That's really interesting because my new friend told me about the idea of "transmigration of souls." I didn't know about that idea before but plan to study it. It matches some of my own theory as to what is actually going on in the ancient scriptures I study. It would fit the Cryptid idea of a heavenly spiritual predator mirroring an earthly physical predator. Good vs. Evil but both Predators. We moved on to this and left the elohim and Nephilim ideas since we disagreed and I pretty much had this response I'm describing to slaughter the incorrect idea about God's Word.
So now we are discussing mythology and how that actually existed as well. I mentioned that I had found a London museum of Cryptids where some guy had decades ago gone out and collected baby Cryptids and put them in jars to preserve them, as well as preserve the skeletons. I had eagerly read every word and looked at every picture at the time. So I went to try to find it again. I found it. It had been changed. NOW there are a ton of articles saying "None of that was true! Disregard it! It was a joke!" Um, no it wasn't. And these articles have been planted for a purpose. The website itself had taken down all the pictures. Ummm. Hummm.
Yeah, they changed the description too. I just read it. Close but incorrect. The guy had collected the Cryptids personally for decades, himself, preserved them himself. They changed that. See how this deception works? You can see through it after awhile. I think I'll turn this into a story. xo
What used to be the London CRYPTID Museum has a new website, without any of the Cryptids, and with a changed story, HERE
They took the pictures down and changed the story but the pictures I saw can still be seen with a search. They even took Cryptid out of the name of the museum. See. Here, take a look. I say these are real...
You can see the Cryptid pictures I saw by doing a Google Search for it. HERE
Copyright 2025 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written January 28, 2025 at 7:34 PM