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The Legend

Quote: "To the Cherokees, the bear represented the division between people and animals, and bears were descended from people."

I've read/watched videos now of multiple accounts of Bigfoot/Dogman encounters that ended with authorities arriving and silencing the witnesses with "it was a bear." My reaction to that and the reaction of the witnesses is that is an absurd falsification to keep these creatures hidden from the public eye.

What if the cover-up story is actually the truth?

What if Bigfoot is a "bear."


Well, Bigfoot is not a bear, according to Native Americans who refer to it as Sabe. It is a human who has reverted to nature to a point where the animal characteristics are dominant. This fits in to my Heaven/Earth doctrine I'm shaping from my deep studies of the original scriptures of the King James Bible. My studies have led me to believe there is a cycle between Heaven and Earth. Heaven is over Earth, the ideal, but earth mastery leads to the gates of Heaven. Heaven mastery leads to the gates of earth. It is a system. Jesus was teaching us to master the kingdom of the heavens. When you do, it leads back to the mother, Mother Earth, to add her teachings to those of our Father, God, creator of the system, the doctrine, sitting on Heaven's throne.

I believe there are two paths and that our choices of good or evil decisions in our day to day life are what advance our essence down the path we choose. Our choices shape our spirit. Our spirit shapes our physical body. Therefore, a constant and persistent choice of going against God's laws, his Word, leads to a spirit that is defiant to those laws. I believe the defiant spirit leads to a physical change in our bodies. Read the quote again:

Quote: "To the Cherokees, the bear represented the division between people and animals, and bears were descended from people." There's more...

“The Cherokees….put bears in a special category. To the Cherokees, the bear represented the division between people and animals, and bears were descended from people. Long ago, according to a Cherokee legend, all the Cherokees in a certain town decided to live in the forest with the animals, so that they would always have enough to eat. Other Cherokees sent messengers to the forest to try to persuade them to come back, but when the messengers arrived they saw that the people already had long black hair like bears. The bear-people refused to return. ‘Hereafter we shall be called bears and when you yourselves are hungry, come into the woods and call us and we shall come and give you our flesh,’ one of the bear-people said. ‘You shall not be afraid of us, for we shall live always.’

“As the messengers were leaving they looked back, and saw a group of black bears going into the forest..."

So, let me repeat:

I believe there are two paths and that our choices of good or evil decisions in our day to day life are what advance our essence down the path we choose. Our choices shape our spirit. Our spirit shapes our physical body. Therefore, a constant and persistent choice of going against God's laws, his Word, leads to a spirit that is defiant to those laws. I believe the defiant spirit leads to a physical change in our bodies.

Likewise, those who follow Jesus' teachings and make constant and persistent choices of obedience to God's laws, his Word, develop a spirit that is in harmony with those laws. I believe the harmonious spirit leads to a physical change in our bodies. Heaven master leads to the gates of earth. It is a system. Heaven master, under our Father, God's direction through seeking his Word, as Jesus instructed us, leads to a passover, "Passover," and the spirit that mastered service and love to Others, over Self, is lead to then experience and learn from the Mother, Mother Earth, the principles, the master of Self. It is a system.

Quote: "The traditional concepts of respect and sharing that form the foundation of the Native American way of life are built around the seven natural laws, or sacred teachings. Each teaching honors one of the basic virtues intrinsic to a full and healthy life. Each law is embodied by an animal to underscore the point that all actions and decisions made by man are manifest on a physical plain." HERE

Eagle = Love

Buffalo = Respect

Bear = Courage

Sabe = Honesty (Bigfoot)

Quote: "Honesty is speaking and acting truthfully, and thereby remained morally upright. Long ago, there was a giant called Kitch-Sabe. Kitch-Sabe walked among the people to remind them to be honest to the laws of the creator and honest to each other."

Beaver = Wisdom

Wolf = Humility

Quote: "Recognizing and acknowledging that there is a higher power than man and it is known as the Creator is to be deemed truly humble." Wolves are pack animals who observe a community system.

Turtle = Truth

Quote: "To know truth is to know and understand all of the original laws as given by the Creator- and to remain faithful to them. It is said that in the beginning, when the Creator made man and gave him the seven sacred laws, the Grandmother Turtle was present to ensure that the laws would never be lost or forgotten. On the back of a Turtle are the 13 moon, each representing the truth of one cycle of the Earth's rotations around the sun. The 28 markings on her back represent the cycle of the moon an of a woman's body. The shell of the Turtle represents the body real events as created by the Higher Power, and serves as a reminder of the Creator's will and teachings."

When I read this I immediately connected it to the 7 Laws of Noah. I googled that. HERE

It seems to me that the 7 laws of Noah are designed for those who have mastered the lessons in the natural world, the Mother, Mother Earth, and have arrived at the gate of Heaven. They seem to be the baby steps required to enter into the spiritual realm, the exploration and knowledge of the kingdom of Heaven. The Israelites, God's Chosen People, in their original true sense are the masters of this realm. It is the realm where the spirit is developed to the point of Christ Consciousness. We follow our leader, Jesus, to the point where his spirit is inside us, truly. Once that occurs, viola, the design, we passover, The Passover, from the kingdom of Heaven back to the gates of the kingdom of Earth. It is a cycle, created by our Father, God, Yahweh, YHWH. Opposition to our Father leads to the beginning steps of obedience to our Father. He forgives our sins, literally, in our very being, in our essence, in our spirits. He takes what is error and turns it into mastery of the truth. A cycle.

That means that our spirit and our flesh have changes that occur in them, regardless of the path: obedience/disobedience. The Cryptids like Bigfoot and Dogman, that I've been studying and writing about due to my Ozarks land, "Angel Creek," therefore are representations of this. Read it again:

Quote: "To the Cherokees, the bear represented the division between people and animals, and bears were descended from people."

What if that is true? I'm starting to believe it IS true. The physical realm and the spiritual realm are interconnected. It is not just a simple circular path, however, it is a double path with mirror images. My tracker friend, who tracked "Angel Creek" for me is a Choctaw descendent of an American Indian medicine woman. He believes firmly that Bigfoot and Dogman are both predators. He also links them back to being the same basic creature, the differences in their flesh being due to what they have eaten the most of.

I kept asking, see my short-stories, if Bigfoot is good or evil. Standard knowledge is that they are just like us, they have both qualities. I reject that answer. Their existence in and of itself is at a place on the cycle of God's design that matches The Passover concept truly being expressed in our King James Bible accounts of Jesus. I believe he "passed over." I believe our theologians understanding of that concept is immature and part of the reason why our scriptures lack the very essence of the mastery of heaven and earth they were written from in how they were translated. Immature knowledge of the spiritual realm and the earth realm results in immature translation and theology. The masterful knowledge in both spirit and flesh is contained in our original ancient Hebrew scriptures. It is missing in their translation. You cannot translate what you do not know about and understand.

The Messiah concept is the apex predator of the spiritual realm. He seeks after obedience to God our Father, the heavenly realm, with the mirror image of the apex predators of the earth realm. Bigfoot and Dogman are apex predators. There are good ones and evil ones, both. The way to understanding lies in the 7 natural laws AND in the 7 laws of Noah. Heaven and Earth. A cycle. The true doctrine. I am both a Dogman and a Bigfoot. When you see my spirit you see an Apex Predator of the Heavenly realm. I just wrote about the passover in my other short-stories. I've also written about how my traditional Christian doctrine was altered by my Father, when I prayed, "Dear God, if there is something more to Christianity than I understand, would you please show me?" I documented that walk in "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir." My father, God, YHWH, lead me to ancient Biblical Hebrew scriptures in our King James Bible. He led me here.

Copyright 2023 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written April 17, 2023 at 1:06 pm


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