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Make it Simple: Purim

Go read, "A Small Southern Town." HERE Then come back. If you do that you are about to see a miracle.


Did you do it? You won't see the miracle unless you do. Go do it.



This morning, this very hour, and TODAY is PURIM, my very same sister in Christ whom I talk about in "A Small Southern Town" sent me a message, "HAPPY PURIM!!!"

Remember how I said in my story, which you just read, "A Small Southern Town," that she sends me reminders about the Jewish holidays? She's a Christian. I'm a Christian. She has advanced in her faith to the point where she now loves Judaism, Hebrew. I have advanced in my faith to the point where I LOVE Judaism, HEBREW. No, they do not have it all right. No. As a matter of fact, at this point in time, they are being enslaved by false doctrines who have seen opportunities to creep into their faith and capture their true knowledge, their essence. As has Christianity. This is what God the Father ALLOWS to HAPPEN when his children fall into DISOBEDIENCE. They have. We have.

When my sis sent me the simple, "Happy Purim!" it reminded me that last night I had scrolled by her "Story" in my timeline on Facebook and noticed she was posting about Purim and the Old Testament book of Esther. "Here we are again," I had thought. It's another Jewish holiday. I had to rack my brain for a second to figure out what Purim was. It didn't come to me immediately. So I stopped what I was doing and started googling it. Oh, yeah, it's the book of Esther. It's the story of Esther. Ok."

THEN I typed in: "they have the meaning of Purim wrong." I just naturally assume now that the Jews have the meaning wrong, of their holidays. I've been retranslating every holy day ON that holy day for several years now. My sis has been faithfully sending me "Happy Whatevers," whatever the Hebrew holiday is, faithfully for years now. They've always been wrong. They've always MATCHED whatever was going on in my day-to-day life on that holiday. Remember, GO READ "A Small Southern Town," NOW... Remember that I said that in my story I wrote? The REASON WHY the holy day ALWAYS matches my life is because I've now spent the past 37 years figuring this stuff out and BECOMING what Jesus was: HEBREW. It is INSIDE ME. The holidays EXIST inside me. That's because God our Father YHWH took me through life experiences, from that day in 1985, when I prayed, "Dear God, if there is something about Christianity that I don't understand, would you please show me?" He answered. He took me through a series, step by step by step, day by day, that BUILT the holy Temple and Jerusalem, the entire Bible, INSIDE me. That's why my life always matches the Hebrew calendar. I began noticing that in 1998. Every holy day. They are inside me.

So, my brand new Hebrew Calendar is still sitting on top of the big envelope it came in, behind my new lovely white massage chair, where I am sitting, as I type this - behind me. It isn't on my wall yet. I write about that in the story I told you to go read. My same Sis is better at the Hebrew calendar than I am, I told her that, and she told ME to go buy one and gave me a link to where she buys hers. I bought it. I have it. It just isn't up on my wall yet.

So, when I googled, "they have the meaning of Purim wrong," hoping for a hint, I found: "The Problem with Purim," an article, by Abby W. Schachter. HERE I sent it to my sis.

Ok so now a close-up of the miracle that is actually still happening as I type. I want you to see it for yourself. SO I documented it. Just like I've been documenting every single day and every single thing that happened since Christmas Eve 1985. God answered. I have documented it. I was Robin Isaacs' personally trained Documentation Specialist for the most advanced and FIRST computer monitoring and analysis software and hardware system in the history of the drilling of oil wells. When he died I took Mobil and Dresser to Federal Court (because he had INSTRUCTED ME and had made me PROMISE that if he ever died, I would go to Dresser and Mobil and work out the jumbled up history of HIS Intellectual Property BEFORE I ever attempted to market it). I had promised him. He was older than me & he actively guarded my future. God says not to take our brothers to court. But I had. I had taken them to court because I had PROMISED Robin I'd work it out, I had TRIED, and both Dresser and Mobil had refused to work with me. So I made them. After I had explained the entire situation to an intellectual property attorney in Austin, Texas, where I was living at the time, his firm had joined forces with another firm and filed a lawsuit. The mere DAMAGES we were seeking BECAUSE the intellectual property laws had been broken and abused, in my personal opinion (and I KNOW but you have to say it like that, "in my opinion") was 690 MILLION dollars. I actually thought at the time that meant "times two" since we had filed against BOTH Mobil AND Dresser. So, in my mind, the damages were over a BILLION dollars. And I was right. They were. "In my opinion."

My book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir," which DOCUMENTS TWENTY YEARS of my step by step by step walk with God my Father, YHWH, describes in detail, with photos of everything - and even including photos of my copyrights and the Drilling Data Center itself - documents what I did. What I did was tell the truth. What I did was fuss at Mobil and Dresser for not only what they had done but at the group of attorneys themselves because "in my opinion" they were being dishonest and were using their skills to manipulate the system. I told the truth. I didn't hold one single thing back. I had WALKED the truth. So I TOLD the truth. That's how it works.

This story is about Purim, but God actually started writing the entire Purim 2023 story a long time ago. He knew. He knew the answer to my prayer before I ever even prayed it. He knew my entire history from birth. He knew every single thing. He's God. I had LOST the lawsuit. I didn't understand why. I had actually not even really lost it. I had sacrificed it. I had knelt down in the Austin, Texas Federal Courthouse bathroom, alone, moments before Mobil and Dresser were to begin THEIR convoluted "in my opinion" case about WHY they didn't owe me a Billion dollars. I had knelt down. I had prayed. I had found myself in the courthouse bathroom outside of our big room with the jury and with all the powerful attorneys alone. God had made sure I was alone. So I had knelt down, alone, and prayed. "Dear Father, you know that even a billion dollars doesn't have the power to tempt me away from you. I give it to you. If there is someway this can all be used for your glory, Father, then you can have it. I give it to you, every single penny." I had prayed. I had sacrificed. Not only was I sacrificing Robin's precious Data Center, I was sacrificing Chapelgate. I knew that the series of events that had happened after his death could only be reversed by my winning my case. Chapelgate had already been taken from me a year after Robin's death. Mobil and Dresser had refused to work with me to straighten out the intellectual property. With my heart and purity of a child I would have made sure that both of them were just fine. I had a tremendously generous heart and pure spirit. I had been walking with my Father, God, since birth but especially since Christmas 1985, and it was now a decade later. I was strong. I was the strongest I've ever been. I loved God with all my heart. I followed my Father every hour of every day. Strong. I LOVED our Drilling Data Center. I LOVED Chapelgate. I sacrificed them.

My main book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir," has all the day to day stories of my life from 1985 until 2009. My new book, "The Harvest of Chapelgate," has all the stories from 2010 until right now. Right now you are seeing a miracle. A miracle had also happened the moment I got up from the bathroom floor and walked back into the courtroom, with the jury and attorneys and judge and my future and the very truth on trial, and sat down. It was unexpected. It was out of the ordinary. It was something that my lawyers were astounded at because of the unexpectedness of it - the Judge stopped the trial. He dismissed the jury. He said he was going to rule on the case himself. And then he proceeded to do whatever it is they know how to do and he took every single penny from me. He let me keep MY intellectual property, there was no way around that, I own it as I type, today. He simply took all the money. Every penny. And that caused me to lose the essence of Robin's Data Center and the essence of Chapelgate. I couldn't buy it back. It was gone. Both were gone. That was a miracle.

After it was over I had said goodbye, in a stunned frame of mind. Even when you sacrifice it is stunning to see it consumed with fire immediately. I was stunned. I left. I saw a bench. I sat down. I prayed. I looked up. I saw a ring, a circle, of the most powerful attorneys and oil industry executives probably on the planet. They were laughing and slapping each other on the back. I was praying. I said, "Dear Father, what do you want me to do?" A thought immediately entered my brain, "What would Jesus do?" So I got up, I walked over to them, I parted the sea of their circle by walking through it, with a sweet smile, to the main attorney whom my lawyers always called, "Mr. Mobil." I smiled at him, I held out my hand, he smiled back at me, he held out his hand and we joined hands. I said, "I forgive you. My Father, God, chose to kill me today. I just want you to know that somehow this is for his glory." You can imagine their faces. I just gently left.

I walked to the escalator, I took it down to the main floor, I walked out to the parking lot, I got in my car to leave. I told you I was strong. I always listened to Contemporary Christian Music on my car radio. I had that day. The station was already set to it. So when I put my key in the ignition and turned on the car the radio came on. It was loud. It was beautiful. It was a song on the radio playing just at that precise moment. My Father, God, does that. The song rang out and filled the car all around me. It said, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter in to the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven." That's it. That's that miracle.

It wouldn't be for another decade that I understood. God works in time. That experience was what propelled my spirit to seek out understanding in God's holy Bible. I didn't understand, why God would do that. I was using Chapelgate for his glory. I had turned it into a private hideaway for the writers of his songs, to strengthen them, to make us a family, to write his songs for his other Christians around the world. Chapelgate was God's. I had given it to him in the very beginning, when we bought it. The Drilling Data Center was Robin's. There was zero doubt. Even the Mobil and Dresser employees had told the judge that. I had so much proof. Robin had dedicated decades to the creation of his leading edge technology and had created mountains of software. I had documented 7,000 pages Robin had written in computer code. It was his. I was his wife. He had given it to me. Even in his will, even in his training, even in his actions, making ME the President of our corporation we had founded to protect his intellectual property rights, he had GIVEN every single thing to ME because he loved me, trusted me, adored me. It was my children's inheritance. It was everything. It was mine. Chapelgate was mine. It was gone. So, I had sought answers to try to understand it all, IN GOD's WORD.

I would spend the next decades studying. I would finish a Master of Arts in Religion at David Lipscomb University, followed by a Master of Divinity. I already had a BA in Mass Communications Radio/TV from Abilene Christian University. I had been born in Abilene, we are a four generation ACU family. I had chosen my degree specifically so I could write and therefore obey Jesus' instructions to us; it was the only way I could think of to obey the Great Commission to go into all the world and teach everyone about him.

Quote: "Matthew 28:18-20 King James Version

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

I had been baptized at the age of 11, almost 12, following in Jesus' footsteps, he was 12 when he began to teach the masters of Judaism, of Hebrew, in his Father's holy temple in the Promised Land, in Israel. I had been baptized by Willard Collins, who was the President of David Lipscomb University. He was at our church, Church Street Church of Christ, in Lewisburg, Tennessee for a week long revival when I was 11, almost 12 years old, the summer of 1967. My parents loved the church and were among the leaders. Always. They had invited Willard Collins to our beautiful Southern Plantation home, it was identical to Tara in "Gone With the Wind." We had eaten supper with him. I had had my picture taken in front of our beautiful white mansion, the evening I was about to be baptized, standing next to Willard Collins. We had told him we wanted him to baptize me that night. He did. So I had sought out Lipscomb.

I document everything in my main book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir." If you want a copy just tell me. I've given it away, to my family and closest friends, to whomever I believe can grasp what I am saying. I've spent $2,000. of my own money, giving away the book it took me 20 years to write, to those who love Jesus, to those who love our Father, God. If I can afford to I'll give it to you. Just ask.

"Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter in to the riches of The Kingdom of Heaven."

I spent 15,000 hours retranslating the holy Bible from cover to cover after my Master of Divinity at Lipscomb. God taught me. He showed me, taught me what the Kingdom of Heaven is. IS.


I documented every thing that happened this morning, what happened to me on Purim. My sis from "A Small Southern Town," who loves Jesus, who loves God, as I do sent me "Happy Purim!" I sent HER a request. Here are our actual words, documented:

Sis: "Happy Purim! The Feast of Esther"

Angel: "Ok thank you! I read last night feminists have hijacked Purim to make the hero Vashtar. Stupid people. Pray that the true meaning of all the Hebrew holy days become true again in their essence. Thank you sis! Happy Purim!!!

I send her the link to the article, "The Problem with Purim - Creating a more politically correct holiday means promoting a new heroine and downgrading a more traditional one." by Abby W. Schachter HERE

Quote: "The liturgy and observances of the Jewish religious calendar have been set in place for many centuries. But in recent decades a trend toward the reinterpretation of many holidays has been gaining ground. Passover’s celebration of freedom has served to turn it into a clearinghouse of trendy concepts, with Seders dedicated to civil rights, the labor movement, ecology, and a host of other topics. Chanukah’s festival of lights has become for some a reminder to conserve energy or save the planet from global warming. But it is the holiday of Purim that has undergone the most thorough makeover by a new generation of liberal and feminist thinkers.

For three decades, an effort has been underway to change not so much the observance of the holiday but the meaning of Purim itself. This celebration of a great reversal of fortune—the deliverance of the Jews of Persia from a massacre—has been transmogrified into a feminist holiday that also calls into question the entire concept of Jewish self-defense, which is at the heart of the story’s conclusion. Unfortunately, this effort to modernize the Purim story lionizes the wrong woman, promotes a false political message of nonviolence and tolerance, and worst of all embraces failure instead of promoting perhaps the greatest of Jewish heroines..." go read it.

Angel, written to Sis: "Join with me in that prayer for the return to the true meanings of all the Hebrew holidays to their original true essence. xoxoxo 2 or more gathered together, praying now..."

Sis: She sends me a picture of two hands praying. I send her a picture of two hands praying.

We pray.

Angel: "2. It is done."

Sis: sends a picture of two hands praising and "HalleluYAH!!"

Angel: "AMEN" I send her a thumbs up picture.

Sis: "My husband & I went to see ‘The Jesus Revolution’ Saturday evening. I was struck by the dates when it started. 1967….. The same year that the Six Day War was fought and JerUSAlem was won back. 🙌 It lasted until the 80’s. Well, we are 50ish years (55) from when it began and it’s beginning again right at the time we are starting into a New Jubilee (50 year) cycle. HalleluYAH!!!! The King Is Coming."

Angel: "OH WOW!!!! Thanks for that, sis!!!! In 1967 I was baptized!!! I’m also pretty sure that was Mark’s church AND he worked on that film!!! SO COOL!!!"

Sis: "Awesome!!!"

That's at 11:57 am on March 6, 2023 on Facebook Messenger. On Purim.

At 12:44 pm I write her back (47 minutes later).

Angel: "I got it sis!!!!!!! Ok so I just skimmed through the entire book of Esther the way my mind works, retranslating the story, to try to begin to grasp what it is talking about metaphysically!!!!! WE just DID IT!!!! It is talking about the islands and star of beginning to GRASP the significance of the GOLD WE HAVE as lovers and followers of GOD the Father. It is saying Esther represents the point in time where WE have begun to grasp the TRUE MEANING of the essence of what a “JEW” and “Judaism” actually IS. Just like you and I sis. WE are Christians who love and follow GOD. But we as a people have been imprisoned in our DOCTRINE, held in chains, until the REBELLION (Which we just discussed here in our messages about the timing of the calendar and the Jesus Revolution and Israel taking back Jerusalem, our personal history and the 50 year Jubilee). It is saying WE (our "lot") are at the verge of grasping both individually and as a corporate body the GOLD, the SIGNIFICANCE of JUDAISM, of HEBREW!!!!! WE DID IT!!!! Remember I said the calendar ALWAYS MATCHES whatever the essence of the holy day IS to my life! That’s what we DID an hour ago when WE prayed. 2 or more joined together. It’s describing discovering HEBREW. PRAISE GOD YHWH FOREVER"

I send her a dozen photos from my camera documenting the different words I just looked up in the interlinear King James Bible, online, RE-translating the entire book of Esther, skimming it for the past 45 minutes. My brain and spirit can do that now. I send her a dozen praying hands followed by a dozen red hearts.

Angel: "Discovering our real gold of the treasures we have in Hebrew squashes the rebellion. Oh my GOODNESS. God answered OUR prayer."

Sis: "Yes HalleluYAH!!" She sends me 3 sets of hands lifted in praise.

Angel: "Writing the story NOW, this sec." I send her a phone photo of THIS story, that I have now begun writing.

Angel to Sis: "Working..."

The end.

PS Then I sent my story to my Sis in Christ. I also spent $5.00 on Facebook ads because I've been "boosting" my posts lately, so more people see them. I've focused my audience on the Southern United States. The South. The Bible Belt. We know Jesus and God. We love them. After my southern hometown fellow Christian girl friend had read my story she wrote me:

Sis: "So very good sister. You are coming into your new Jubilee also. This is amazing and Only Jehovah (Yahweh, YHWH) God Almighty can line up these experiences in His timing."

Angel: "You got that right! AMEN!!!"

PSS I wrote a song back in the 1980's or 1990's called, "Melodies in Time." It is talking about how God TIMED the battle back when he was leading Joshua into retaking the Promised Land. It's in my main book, "Chapelgate, a Spiritual Memoir," which has 230 or so of my songs about God and our footstep by footstep experiences through this entire journey. I'll go find it...

My songs are HERE "The Songs of Chapelgate" by Angel Isaacs 1985 to 2009

Listen to some of my songs HERE

Final PS It is now officially Purim. It is 9:06 pm March 6, 2023. Whatever I just happen to be studying on a day by day basis ALWAYS MATCHES MY day to day LIFE. It just happened again. After all this, after re-reading my story here for the dozenth time today, I read it one more time, thinking it over. Then I moved on with my day. I just HAPPEN to be studying Matthew Chapter 17 right now. I just HAPPEN to be on Matthew 17: 24. I went back to what I was doing before I stopped to write today's story about Purim. I keep multiple tabs open on my computer screen, my big television screen, where I study every day. I went back to what I was doing and MIRACLE I started RE-translating the scriptures the way I do about a million times per day. I'm always doing that, in between whatever else I'm doing in my day to day life. Always. So I'm on Matthew 17:24 "The Temple Tax." First I focus on the word "Capernaum" until I figure out what it is talking about. Then I move on to the word, "didrachma" which is talking about the little silver coins, just big enough to hold in the palm of your hand. It says, "a double-drachma, two drachmae, a Greek silver coin, tribute." I focus on that particular word, seeking more insight. I go to the next level. "Silver," I know that concept. "Double" I know that concept. OH this is Greek. Sometimes my mind just treats Greek of the Bible as Hebrew. That's because I've built a dictionary, the Bible Lexicon, in my mind after having done this for a trillion times. I think in Hebrew even if the language is English or even when it is the Greek of the New Testament. I know the words, I know the Hebrew words that the Greek words are coming from. I know their symbolism and their deeper meanings and how everything fits together. It is a system. It is an entire system my Father God YHWH Yahweh has taught me. I see in Hebrew. Even in the New Testament. So I see the word "drassomai: to grasp, fig. entrap." I sound it out. I just have a feeling something deeper is here. I keep going. The next level. Theology scholars will see this and laugh, "That's ridiculous! That's not how WE translate! That's not how WE use hermeneutics!" Exactly, it isn't. You just gave me my start. My FATHER GOD trained me. I use HIS system. And his system is telling me to keep searching this word for its "cousins." That's what I call them. And that's when I find it:

to catch, seize

Perhaps akin to the base of drakon (through the idea of capturing); to grasp, i.e. (figuratively) entrap -- take.

see GREEK drakon

That sounds like "dragon" to me. Keep going...

Strong's Concordance

drakón: a dragon (a mythical monster)

Original Word: δράκων, οντος, ὁ

Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine

Transliteration: drakón

Phonetic Spelling: (drak'-own)

Definition: a dragon (a mythical monster)

Usage: a dragon or huge serpent; met: Satan.

1404 drákōn (from derkomai, "to see," the root of the English term, "dragon") – properly "seeing one," used of mythical dragons (huge serpents) seeing their prey from far away; (figuratively) Satan (Rev 12:7,9) exercising his subtle (indirect) impact on heathen governments (powers) – i.e. accomplishing his hellish agenda from "behind the scenes."

[The ancient Greeks classified a "dragon" (1404 /drákōn) as a type of serpent. 1404 /drákōn ("a dragon") was believed to have incredible insight, able to spot prey in any hiding place.]

My dear fellow Christian friends, believers, guess what? WE just trapped the dragon. On Purim. We caught him. Learn to love Hebrew and your Bibles and your God, YHWH, Yahweh. It is the Jubilee. Your treasure has been recaptured, from the Dragon/Satan, restored. Go home.

Copyright 2022 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved

Written March 6, 2023 finished at 4:45 pm (on Purim); then the Dragon ending, catching Satan, trapping him, seeing him, stopping him, which is what this story is about, the essence, occurred at 9:29 pm, same day. Purim.


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