My book I’m reading was talking about white Bigfoot. I watched a few videos on YouTube and left a couple of comments (which I’ve now erased).
I was listening to your thoughts on your drive wondering what it all means...
What they are doing is creating symbols that match Christ Consciousness. I’ve retranslated the Bible day by day for decades, 15,000 hours plus. It actually is all based on ancient Biblical Hebrew. They even measure in royal cubits. They are a physical/spiritual symbol of where Heaven (the spiritual realm, righteousness) meets Earth (the physical realm).
Everything you show us that they are doing matches what I can read in the true, untranslated properly, Bible. Jesus was actually leading us to Christ Consciousness but not the New Age idea of it. It happens when holiness is reached. Then Heaven mates with Earth. It matches mythology. We just don’t grasp it yet. But that’s what they are doing with their tridents and abilities. I started studying this 5 years ago when I bought offgrid land they are on.
Here, like this, here's what I write about the Trident: HERE
This one is about their asterisk symbol they make: HERE
Dogmen swinging on vines in a documentary on Amazon Prime where they claim to have searched for them but didn't find them: HERE
This is the Seal of Melchizedek they made for me on my land. I have several photos of mine and a video of Dogmen swinging on vines in a documentary on Amazon Prime where they claim to have searched for them but didn't find them. I found them in their own movie, lol. Here's the sign. They are doing this to leave a path for us to grasp what the heavenly realm really is and how it works. There are also opposite ones who are masters of the earthly realm. Don't think that's all cozy. They all are predators of one kind or another. One of mine tracked me for 650 miles just to let me photograph him. HERE I didn't even know it for several months until I found him in a photo I took at a friend's ranch. I had him on video on my land. Here's the sign and story: HERE

Copyright 2024 Angel Isaacs All Rights Reserved
Written November 13, 2024 at 2:18 pm

White Bigfoot: